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Active Member
This being a webmaster forum and a lot of us learn a lot from here, I would like to hear your small, wonderful, heart-touching stories about the experiences you've had on here. It can be about how you learnt something and went on to earn some money (small or huge) or how you've made good friends here or how you became successful in your stream using this platform or anything which can inspire people.

Wjunction helped me earn $XX,XXX bucks by helping me in xyz way.
xyz member of Wjunction helped me with resolving abc issue which inturn saved a lot of my money.
I made 3 real good friends from here whom I meet regularly in real life.

I hope you get what I want to see in this thread. Possibilities are endless, above are just some examples.

PS - Troll mode/negative comments are banned in this thread.
WJunction, Where do we begin ? How many of you guys actually know the history behind WJ ;] I have been here such a long time, The previous owner St0ne i met a very long time ago on followed by the current owner M aka Hawk,

Always such helpful people, After the Closing of CC St0ne created IW which others followed, Soon after the colapse of IW i believe St0ne created WJ "Dont quote me it went somthing like that" i followed everyone else here and thats how i got here. Ive met a lot of good people, I have make quite a bit of money on WJ, But over-all i have made a ton of friends all over the world. Such as Exel & Baraka i speak to them on daily basis ive never been good at coding but Baraka & Exel & K3V when he has time is always there to help me or do my work for me lol.

Regards :)
My story over here started back in December 2010. I was just a HTML learning guy back then who used to make free websites via "". Soon I got involved into vBulletin and that dragged me into creating my first ever forum based site "". Back during those days wJ had policies like where you could request for forum posters/uploaders etc and I guess that's how I made my entry here. :P I have NEVER earned profits from sites like which I used to mantain as sharing was a passion for me and not a job. :| Anyways ignoring that, Staying around here I started to like this place alot and did whatever I could to get myself known around. I had fights and issues after sometime where I was wrongly accused of being a manipulator which got me banned over here for quite some time. :| But still even during that period I would check out the resources and happenings around here. Helped me alot and yes.. one thing and probably the most important thing wJ has thought me is "HOW TO LEARN". This one cannot be answered. You need to figure it out yourself but once you can.. You will surely be enlightened. ;)

Have had my bad and good time here but in whole... I would just like to convey one message to everyone here. wJunction, may not be the most perfect "webmaster community" but it surely is the best "community" around.

With that, I close my small story.
Cheers. <3
WJunction was a home for all of us that was accessible on all levels. For the first time in the history of our scene, we actually had a dominant place where all of us could come and converse. Prior to WJ I used to visit other smaller webmaster communities, or their respected websites and talk with other web masters in private, but never before had we all been united on one common community, at least not on the scale of WJ. That's what made WJunction special. It was backed by the Katz Empire and brought in all of the web masters in the scene. We were like family, for a long time.

I remember the discussions of the community, the ideas being thrown around. What it was going to be like, how we could use it to our advantage, what sections there should be. I honestly didn't conceive WJunction becoming as big as it is.

Unfortunately I missed the actual opening ceremony of the site, due to personal connectivity issues, and wasn't able to join until about a month after it had opened.

WJ was an energy force field, an outlet of knowledge and friends (and it still is). But back then in the early days it was just electric. Everyone was here, creating new things, embarking on new ideas. Pretty much we were all successful in one way or another. Things were done proper, hardly any advertisements, and the focus wasn't solely on making money, although I would lie to you if I didn't make money.

I'll never forget all of the people that I had the pleasure of talking to and working with here on WJunction. There's certainly too many to name. The things that we accomplished together and the closeness that we shared during those days was inspiring in and of itself.

Corrected Notes:

WJunction was created in 2007 technically before InWarez. InWarez was re-opened in 2008 (original launch dates back to 2001).
Thanks for this thread Rox (y) Nice idea!

I was just a kid struggling to find ways to earn money online when i registered here on WJunction. Everyone wants to have a successful warez blog/forum or to be popular on warez-bb back then when i started.Yes, I started as a uploader! After like 6-7 months i started up my first blog with Cyberdevil! Just for learning purpose!!Faced many problems but people helped me. No matter what the problem is people here will help you always! after a year i was already good at wordpress,phpbb and many other scripts! I started earning and helping my family recovering the debts!

But everything got screwed up when they started banning filehosts.! :P But it's all good! Because i learned other good and legit things after warez and all! like blogging (y). Apart from learning and earning i made many friends here. Yud!,Froomple,Rox,To0,JmZ
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My wjunction story is rather short compared to other people here.
I've found this place while looking for some forum auto poster, I was sure I found a new way to easy richness with doing some forum posts, lol.
I have opened an image host site and learned the hard way that most of the users just try to cheat you.
After a few months I have closed the image host never to do that again, and learned here on WJ that there are so many other creative and brilliant ways to make money online.

But that's not the main reason I got hooked to this amazing family / community, since the first time I've logged in here there were people who helped, taught and guided me in so many ways it's hard to describe here, sure I had my little dumb fights here, but who didn't? and there are days I don't log in, but overall I always come back here as wjunction is addictive and the people here are a family.

I hope that I'll help this community grow and expand and above all I would love to help people with the knowledge I gained.

I was in the iPod Hacking scene and warez scene a while back. Back when was up and JmZ was on there and back when and were both popular. I was an admin on and an active poster on WhereIsIt. One of my buddies on iPodHacking started a new site "WarezVB" and he had it up and running for a few months. He ultimately decided to sell it and he sold it here. He linked me to his thread, and the first thing I see is the elegant little blue skin this site used to have, and I thought, oh.. that's cool. So I registered and quickly became friends with people that aren't really here anymore. WD, Sherwood, Elio. Oh, and I knew Mr. Happy from TheViperFiles days. Anyway, I got promoted to poop then demoted and now here I am again. :| Idk where the hell I met DLow or Baraka or K3V or anyone else I talk to, but we all ended up here, lol.
I was in the iPod Hacking scene and warez scene a while back. Back when was up and JmZ was on there and back when and were both popular. I was an admin on and an active poster on WhereIsIt. One of my buddies on iPodHacking started a new site "WarezVB" and he had it up and running for a few months. He ultimately decided to sell it and he sold it here. He linked me to his thread, and the first thing I see is the elegant little blue skin this site used to have, and I thought, oh.. that's cool. So I registered and quickly became friends with people that aren't really here anymore. WD, Sherwood, Elio. Oh, and I knew Mr. Happy from TheViperFiles days. Anyway, I got promoted to poop then demoted and now here I am again. :| Idk where the hell I met DLow or Baraka or K3V or anyone else I talk to, but we all ended up here, lol.

This was basically, for the most part, it (except for the girlfriends Exel met along the way)for me too when it comes to where I started (That's where I met Sexel and his faggot ass which I still want to tap). When I saw that he fucked both IPH and IPW with his presence, I needed another place to call home and WJ came about. I'm pretty sure I got it from jayfellas multiposter.
Used to get bored watching my brother spend hours over here.

Finally joined to troll him. But over the years, I have grown to be more active here. Made a ton of new friends, learned more than I could ever imagine. Earned enough to fuel my side projects and websites.
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I don't really remember how exactly I got on here but I think it was because of WSM.
Back then, WSM was a part of WS and I think one of my friends told me about wJ. But another possibility is that I got to know about wJ was through katz.
I joined wJ when I was in school and now I'm here doing my engineering degree. I have surely learnt a lot from so many good people here. Had some fights, again which taught me few things. Initially, I thought this was heaven but then a lot of my friends quit; just disappeared you can say. Made new friends too. I thought I'll never be able to leave this site but that wasn't the truth really. Its like you know, you can't quit it completely. You will surely come and check this site every once in a while.
Also, I feel that wJunction has helped me mature over the time. Reading other's posts, stories, events etc helps you gain knowledge which can be applied to your life too, at some point of time. There's a lot to life yet but I feel obligated to return something to this community. Though the people from whom I've learnt aren't on this site anymore, I'd still like to give something back.
And of course, there was the fun part. That was what which kept me going. I miss those dramas, trolling etc which was kind of integral to the functioning of wjunction.
I'd seriously love to just talk about my entire wJ life and read others' posts too but I fear I'm out of time right now.
Long live wJunction.
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I stubled across wJunction AGESSSS ago, and use to just stalk the forum as a guest and finally Registered when i found something i wanted to buy on it... Pity by the time i finished registering the thing was sold.. Was Devo..
But now it's one of the most frequent sites i visit... :)
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