- 45% on Premium Sale + 25$ per 1000 Downloads [Official]

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admxternal said:
ok thank you, but we hope you change my Japan in group B (because my site 80% come in japan) so please!...

thanks before <3:sun:
Sorry Buddy...Atm We cannot Put Japan in Tier B.
May be in Future.

Thanks :)

Bobby3711 said:
@rapidman. Welcome bro.
I have a suggestion. Remove free user 500 mb download limit. Make it 1 Gb minimum. You ll get hell of traffic then.
And it seems this host is India based. Am i right?

Thanks Buddy.
I will Talk to Admin about this and Let u Know :)


Shafiles Team
According to Our TOS we don't Allow Adult Contents.

But We wont Delete You Files Unless it is Affected by DMCA.
Hope u understand What I am Saying. ;)
happy to see you here :sun:
i'm used them site since 15 days and i can say they are trusted people
who want proff can send me pm
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What is this filelife never or forever? i think you should change in to forever
Good enough for me :) registered and will start working....

Not so good :/

i tried to download one of my files to check the speed :

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Sorry For the Inconvenience Caused.
We had a Small Problem in our Server ,So our DC Wants to Reinstall the OS. So few Accounts(3-5) & Some Files were Deleted that are kept on that Server. We apologies for the Happening.

We can Compensate Your Loss of Data. But We are Unable to Compensate for your Hard work.
Once Again We Apologies for this. We assure You this Will Not Happen Again.
Hope you Will Stay with us.
Thanks For Understanding


Shafiles Team
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