Server Tech Looking for work

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William Palmer

Hi guys i am currently a Server Security System Admin for

As you are all aware of our economy in the USA is going bad now and it is getting very hard to pay for bills. And a part from my real time job im looking for more work as a side job.

What im good at

Securing Servers Server Hardening Doing network Pentest scans against networks and be able to find and fix them

im currently getting a certificate for CCNA and working on CEH ive been taking a full class on CCNA for about 1 1/3 years now.

Able to identify and fix server errors as some of you all have already saw

Be able to find errors in php scripts and fix them as well as analyze code and detect if any part of the script is prone to a vulnerability or not

Ask little Dragon i helped him find a vulnerability within his DDLCMS script

I have knowledge of Redhat Centos Debian Unbuntu Fedora Windows Server 2003 & 2008

I can program heavily in Bash scripting to do daily instance task for servers.

I have great knowledge of Cpanel WHM CSF and lots of other services. As well as know a lot of the errors that can occure in Cpanel or WHM and be able to solve and fix the issues

I have been in the Webhosting business for about 5 years now and i have been learning about IT security for about 8 years now

I always went by the motto in order to beat an enemy you must know the enemy with doing so i was able to learn how hackers hack and there use of methodology me being able to detect what there doing i can certainly be able to stop it.

I have also helped and secured servers for along with fix many members on this forum for example

storming djeuro Mr.Beest and frontlinegamerz

Im pretty sure each and every member here can vouch for me on this.

I have a great knowledge of using ESXI servers setting up VPS servers along with fixing them

If there are any other questions or concerns that you are wanting to know more about me please do not hesitate to ask me directly at msn ) or just drop me a pm or post here

By looking at one of wrzhost servers(I suppose you "secured" it) and it's setup, I can clearly say and back it up that you can't secure the server. First thing which I noticed is that you disabled about 30 PHP functions but you didn't disable "exec" and I was able to execute the commands via PHP. After that I saw attack.rb script in / and it was chmod'd to 777[???]. Also, I don't see why do you have attack.rb when it uses CSF which has CT option(the same thing what attack.rb does). It makes no sense at all.

It's what I noticed in 10 mins I was looking at it. I would expect more from someone who claims to be security expert. After all, everyone can preach about security in theory.
Hello Im sorry to tell you but i do not secure that server as jayesh changed the password for that server and have never told me it yet again it was someone else also for the exec i know what your talking about and i feel the same way as you do but

They told me not to add that for some reason even tho i told them what the side effects are im all on your side but even if i did show them this post they still wouldnt let me.
_every_ server of WRZHost I've seen so far has _exacly_ the same problems, same permissions and lack of security. I still didn't get why is attack.rb chmod'd to 777. Care to explain that?

Note: You can take my advices from this and improve your skills and the servers of companies you are working for.
Unfortunately no i cant as i never did install attack.rb on any of the servers another admin must have as for it being chmoded to 777 possibly some other person on the staff not knowing what there doing

And im limited to what all i can and cant do i try to do this they say no i try to put this in they say no its just a mere fact of them likeing what i want to do or no
Aren't you, as their "Server Security Technician" supposed to point out the obviously and fix it? What went wrong?
I am as well as others I have pointed them out and everytime i do they always reverse what i do if i do this they will take it out i told them what could happen but yet i guess they feel as if they need it even tho i pointed them the vulneabilities as well

Not to mention another vulnerablity i know this and all others are vulnerable to i told them about it and still could not fix it
He is working on my server right now I can vogue for him 150% he knows what he is doing and the price is right.

This is a list of what he did to my server and I have confirmed his work is legit. All of you bashing him you should read other posts and then make a comment

Utilized Teamviewer for safe securing of server

Configred Firewall

applied grsecurity

Add rule sets to firewall and iptables

Secured /tmp

hardended SSH

Secured php and disabled bad functions

Updated All services and software

Fixed DNS Rev Spoof

Added ARP attack protection

Added Brute Force Detection

Added Port Scanner

Added processes watch

Tweaked system files

Added E-Mail alerts to inform you have anything bad going on

Added a Pent Test software

Configured CSF

Added Buffer overflow protection

Added Basic DDOS software application

He is still working but he is a great server tech for a person paranoid about security
I would recommend William to anyone and i already have, i have seen him in action and he really knows he's stuff, William you are the man!!!
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