Discussion Thread - Post your discussions here

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glad you could get your things fixed,
keep in mind: this is not a support thread, if you're facing some issues u can open a ticket directly on SU and you will get an answer mostly within 12hours.

you cannot expect any help or feedback here for such things especially if things running smoothly on SU because then there is nobody here who is reading this especially not those baby cash whores who come instantly crying to here if theres a delay in payout as you can see in the last entries :D
hello guys,you todai paid secureupload? my problem
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rejected?wots problem?
They will reject you if you don't generate sales this is what they told me. So if you're a PPD uploader leave this host you'll only just waste your time to this scam host.
any one using this host
how the sales on this sale can any one say
i heard from my friend this host massively shaving sales
dmca files was not deleted
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I think we use secureupload more than 2 years , they pay always on-time every week and we are getting nice sales , they have great support and we are totally happy .
I used for a few months back when I was a total noob. They did pay out regularly via PayPal (I think the max I received from them was like twenty bucks, which is the lowest amount I've ever seen from any of my affiliate earnings).

However their site is garbage and I warn everyone to stay clear from it for the following reasons:

1. Their business model absolutely sucks. 2TB storage retention which can not be inflated as every other file host that enforces retention provides. If you use up 2TB of storage on their site they instruct you to create multiple accounts. This just shows how illogical their operations are, I average ~15TB storage occupancy between a half dozen file hosts at the moment so that'd mean I'd have to juggle around 8 different secureupload accounts? Fuck that.

2. Randomly they locked up my account (and thus affiliate earnings) but continued to host my files. Their explanation for this was that I was really a DMCA Takedown agent; which was so not the case. Like I said I was a noob back then and I used a RDP service that some dipshit DMCA Takedown agent must have also used thus I had a public IP access my account that was the same as the DMCA Takedown Agent's scraper bots. This was unacceptable of them to jump to such conclusions, furthermore to continue to host my files like that was not cool (if I was in fact some dipshit DMCA Takedown agent they should have deleted the files when the account was disabled).

3. They use XFileSharingPro which is a turnkey file host site (which is why their site looks exactly like 500,000 other file host sites). Some XFileSharingPro sites actually take the time to do a little CSS modifications to spruce things up a bit and give the site its own look and feel, but they clearly don't care about their business at all (see above) and so it would make total sense that they would also not care to spend a few short minutes to make their UI look somewhat unique.

4. Very poor conversion rates seen (meaning turning anonymous/free users into premium users from your links). Very few people use this file host and it has little to no name recognition. Part of this (no offense to my EU friends) I think has to do with the fact that their main TLD is .eu and not a .com - I understand why some sites don't want to have .com such as Keep2Share, however such as Keep2Share's case they still have a few .com's and .cc's that link to their main site. To a enduser that is a warm lead for selling a premium file host account this could easily make the lead go dead cold by making them feel unsafe spending money on a non-commercial website (this is my personal opinion of course others will disagree).

Wherever I see people discussing this file host I try to share my story as well as insights as to why I simply do not like at all. Really I suggest everyone to stay clear from these fools because your only going to see minimal earnings and much time wasted. There are so many better alternatives for file hosts that you can affiliate with (many of which are found right here on this board).
hellow folks,

I am facing a problem in loging in to secure upload from my RDP.

When i am tring to login to it works perfectly but when i try to login from the RDP it shows me this error.


it was working the day before yesterday perfectly but from 2 days (yesterday and today) i am getting this problem

Can anyone tell me what to do now??

ps: my server firewall and other things are checked. all are perfectly configured.
Hi guys,

We've seen some activity about us on this forum and decided to register to follow up and answer any questions you might have.
Feel free to contact me via PB if you have questions or reply in our official topic which we'll open in a few days.
hellow folks,

I am facing a problem in loging in to secure upload from my RDP.

When i am tring to login to it works perfectly but when i try to login from the RDP it shows me this error.


it was working the day before yesterday perfectly but from 2 days (yesterday and today) i am getting this problem

Can anyone tell me what to do now??

ps: my server firewall and other things are checked. all are perfectly configured.

it seems your RDP server blocked your I.p
Same issue has been face one of my friend you need to change your RDP
If it works fine on another location, the chances are high there's a problem on your RDP side and not with us.
You confirm anyway it works fine on other location(s).
What happen to Secureupload
i got sales in first 2 day Last month
but till that today i am getting only near 100- 200
Downloads and no sales how it possible??
We have increased our PPS rate to 65% and also offer rebills @ 50% for existing and new affiliates.
Apart from that we also have bonus payments on earnings made during weekends or when having 3+ sales in 24 hours.

Contact us if you have any questions about it.
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