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and who dont get dmca ppd is out now hardly no hoster will do ppd why cause they dont earn 2 and if you dont sale premium accounts they dont pay file hosters is a business

earnings r very counts even lower

the same files i shared in other host gives me more downloads counts than secureupload

anybody using secureupload ?
If you use them be careful.They are very strict about the content you post.They will check where you have your links posted & if your content violates their TOS they delete the files & in some cases ban you.

this is a discussion thread since there is no secureUL wj-support here. as for feedback yes they look positive from the ones already tried them so far. as always, use them at your own risk:)
@ broadcast

Thanks for helping me out. Ya , sure all filehost is for using at one's own risk.
But a support thread here on WJ is an additional support :)
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