97,5% Per sale - 50% Rebill + WEEKLY payment

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Yes, I use Rapidleech But I buy and use for personal
I transload to server and download to PC
What is wrong?
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Ripper Host .. i got 61 sign up without sell .. where my sell ratio 1:3 per sign up on other filehost.


Host Now Using :
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Ripper Host .. i got 61 sign up without sell .. where my sell ratio 1:3 per sign up on other filehost.

You do not have any files in your account, so how do you plan users buying a premium account? None of the people who signed up from you bought premium either. We PM'd you also with details and this info.

Yes, I use Rapidleech But I buy and use for personal
I transload to server and download to PC
What is wrong?

We cannot allow you leeching via your account. You are using ovh servers to mass leech files, this behavior is unacceptable and you will be banned for that. Our systems monitor and trigger accounts like this.
If you are using your account for normal personal usage, there's no problem at all.
You do not have any files in your account, so how do you plan users buying a premium account? None of the people who signed up from you bought premium either. We PM'd you also with details and this info.
Sorry to say just look you that screen it is 5/2013 when i tried you, so how can u find file ? Trust is like Life if it die then won't come again.
OK, I will stop using rapidleech, I will download directly to my PC
Please un-ban

Yes, I use Rapidleech But I buy and use for personal
I transload to server and download to PC
What is wrong?

We cannot allow you leeching via your account. You are using ovh servers to mass leech files, this behavior is unacceptable and you will be banned for that. Our systems monitor and trigger accounts like this.
If you are using your account for normal personal usage, there's no problem at all.
@secureupload : Why don you ban my account ? i do nothing . my username : maigacon ??

Due to multi-login, we noticed many logins from different locations. Explain me in PM if possible.
We have unbanned you for now.

Added after 2 minutes:

1. What is download speed for free user?
2. What is max file size to download for free user?

1. Currently it's 50 kbps free user, 100 kbps registered user
2. Max size for free users is 1 GB every 1 hour
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As mentioned in a previous reply, we have no plans on changing the payout rate. We want dedicated affiliates and not people who like to earn quick and disappear. It remains on 50 USD.

If it's only reason so maybe it could be good if first payment could be 50 USD and next ones are 10 USD? I think it could be very fair.
Hi. i cant connect FTP. i am sure i wrote my id and password truely but i am still getting 530 Login incorrect problem.

Are you premium member? PM me your username.

Same problem too... I can't upload files even through site. Says "error limit 2048MB only" but files have ~1GB

PM me your username please so we can check why it fails.

If it's only reason so maybe it could be good if first payment could be 50 USD and next ones are 10 USD? I think it could be very fair.

We will consider this, but for now it remains 50 USD.

No statistical tables.Why did you add?

Stats become available when you have actual downloads or sales. Otherwise there's no data to display. If you can PM me your username, we can have a look to see if you already have stats, although it should show automatically after your first sale or download :)
I don't think banning account is good solution, what happens if your system has mistake? Why don't you do like other filehost, just disable download function
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