ScorpioHost Netherlands Gone!

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ScorpioHost is ran by lolkoli I think, moderator here. Try PM'ing him.

Lol, I dont run Scorpiohosts, I dont even work there.I was a customer there like you guys, they were on Servedome boxes, all data was lost,and,yes, Its hard to get an answer there.
Ok recent news about all this none sense:

We shared the co-location at Netrouting DC in Alphen a/d Rijn for NL VPS nodes with Servedome Internet Services which maintained
the servers at the DC.

Servedome faced a security breach in our core systems which has caused major destruction of
data on our Linux VPS services, shared hosting in the Germany location and dedicated
servers in the Alphen a/d Rijn location .

We are sorry to say that this has led to total loss of data, and we will need till Monday to
setup new node.

So, we need to wait and hope that they had back-ups!
I hate a..holes who don't have anything else to do except to destroy for no reason!!! :(
Life goes on!
Do you guys see hosts like this go down a lot?
Same thing happened at that Knowinhost place this week.
Same thing happened at ServeDome, they had some kind of big attack wipe their servers.

How to tell when your hosting is run by a kid?
Be smart with your hosting. It is the *balls* of your website. Go with someone reputable, even if you are paying a little bit more money, it is well worth it.

A good suggestion, worldstream. I have been using a dedicated from them for 2 months now and not have i had a single problem.
Be smart with your hosting. It is the *balls* of your website. Go with someone reputable, even if you are paying a little bit more money, it is well worth it.

A good suggestion, worldstream. I have been using a dedicated from them for 2 months now and not have i had a single problem.

Worst suggestion ever. Worldstream kicks you off within 24 hours they get a complaint. No questions asked. Go with Ecatel or EXMasters
All of this is none sense anyway! We're all running away from the DMCA and try to find the best spot available for us to park! Tho, some a..holes don't like competition (as if the web was not big enough) and waste our time by destroying our work and reputation :(

I guess the best way, is to NOT DO WHAT WE DO for free members who don't ...most of the time, give 2fk about what happens!?!?!
But in reality, this is what we are and what we like to do, not only by bringing all kind of cool stuff for them, but for our own self gratification and pleasure by controlling our own destiny and board!!!

If you know an Offshore that could guarantee that it wont be attacked or mess with, tell me so! I don't think it is possible in the stupid world we live in anyway!!!

I thought war would destroy us but in fact, idiots will over power that ;)
My 2 cents

As for ScorpioHost, i will go back with them as i think they deserve to be trusted and i had a great service with them! Tho, will have to get back into CSS and Stylvare....once again LMAO

Added after 15 Hours 24 minutes:

Ok i have news from ScorpioHost that might help!

We are not going for the same colocation as servedome. We are making a NL node ready (no partnerships), it should be ready by tomorrow.

So, from what i see, they will fix the server problem, tho, everything we haven't back-up is gone! Sad but true!

Hope all this will be a good lesson to learn ;)
In name name of Allah(God), Who is Most merciful. Allah's blessings be upon to Prophet Muhammad(S) and to all his Prophets(AS).

Is ScorpioHost back?

They are not replying emails. Previously they were very fast to reply the emails.
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Well the people that own/run this company are a bunch of jokes.

The reason worldstream shuts down so quickly is because they got raided last month and 20 of there servers seized and there is a federal investigation on the company, ecatel will be next.
Well guys, the new server is running freaking nice and stable ;)
Learned my lesson tho! Cron is my best friend now lolll

Great hosting ! Guys are the best
once scorpio host was nice now they r too late for mails also, responding lately to dmca too.
this was happening from the time of hack.

now total scorpiohost was not opening and all sites hosted in it was not opening too.
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