ScorpioHost Netherlands Gone!

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Active Member
Good news! ScorpioHost VPS Netherlands server Scorp6 is gone!!! Like totally whipped out the map !!!:'(
Been almost 2 days now and they don't know what happened over there!!
Sounds like someone finally pushed the panic button and blew up the server in space :blink:

I f@#$%(ing love that like you wouldnt believe! I lost a month and a half of work, posts, members, life and $$$$$$

If anybody have any news or ear anything about it, make yourself at home and give info!
The guys from there (support&owner) are in the dark.

Fu!@ me....another $75 down the drain X-( Pisssses me off because it was running so well and Chris from support is a Champ! Help me out so much to get everything running smooth and fast :(
Best support i never had from a host .....till i have no more hosting lollllll

i was using their Netherland VPS and now for the last 2 days ..all my 4-5 sites are down..I don't know what to is not even there any other way to contact them???
Hehehe i might have made a writing error! lol

@Spiderman, i talked with Chris and he doesn't have any clue on what is happening!!!
They can't even reach the datacenter over there.
Total darkness here my friend! Hope you had some back ups ;)
i would have loved to know that before the darn thing sunk!!!!
The other servers are still up and running tho! This is why it's always good to have a back-up server :(

Just hope that they will find the problem....and i hate to wait....worsts part !!!!
Hehehe i might have made a writing error! lol

@Spiderman, i talked with Chris and he doesn't have any clue on what is happening!!!
They can't even reach the datacenter over there.
Total darkness here my friend! Hope you had some back ups ;)

I don't have any back up..:( i am badly fcuked up...worked a lot for those sites...i just hope the host is having my sites data back that i can move to another host....
guys one thing i don't get is why you say you don't have backups?are you noobs or what?when you work on something and you are someone serious you will always do backups even if its weekly daily etc.
Have you guys tried PM'ing lolkoli? Instead of bitching and moaning make an effort to PM him. I think he's the owner or he works for them.
@house_maniac! i have back-ups but found out that the server died when i wanted to make main b-up in FTP!
I could actually be a noob by trusting a host! for sure! so all this to say that i have none of my latest ROOT!

Ain't that a bitch lollll

@ Cammy---i did man ;) Tks for the info a few post ago! Actually, his name is lokiloki
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