VPS ScopeHosts.Com Unmetered Windows 1Gbps VPS Just 18.99$/mo. ( Netherlands )

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ScopeHosts Department of India Registered Company" Scope Ace Solutions Pvt. Ltd. " releasing a revised 1Gbps Netherlands Windows VPS Service.

With ScopeHosts 1Gbps Unmetered Windows Netherlands VPS Client Gets:

* 24/7 Live Sales / Technical Support
* 1-12hours VPS Setup Time
* Parallels Power Control Panel Access ( Full Control Over VPS )
* Unlimited Windows 2008 OS Reinstallation
* 15 Day Money Back Guarantee ( On Valid Reason Condition )
* Non Overselling Resource System ( Implemented Throughout 3years of Premium Service)
* Remote Desktop Access
* 99.9% Network Uptime Guarantee

Ongoing Discount:

Sign Up Service Within ( 01st JAN 2012 ) Get 10% Recurring Discount

Discount Coupon: NL1G10OFF



Know how to apply for DEMO VPS:

Order the VPS which you are looking for and do not pay the invoice.
* Next Open a sales support ticket in the client area with Title" DEMO WINDOWS VPS "
* Demo VPS will be provided of the ordered plan.
* If you feel the windows VPS satisfies your needs . Then pay the invoice.
* If the invoice is not paid within 12hours. Strictly the Windows VPS will be Terminated.

We are Implementing this DEMO Service as we have received about 18 Sales Requests for Demo.

Top 5 Reasons why a ScopeHosts VPS is better then Other Providers?

With the use of a ScopeHosts VPS you will experience reliability at its best. With extensive technical knowledge and experience you can expect reliable VPS's with industry leading uptime. ScopeHosts also provides friendly support to all client queries.


Ability to customize system configuration, install any applications and server wide software to fit your sites needs. Full root level access and almost complete control over the system configuration brings hosting to next level without the dedicated servers price tag


With custom built servers you will benefit from Enterprise class hardware with RAID storage for redundancy.

Easy-to-use GUI/Complete control over the VPS
This is a browser based GUI tool which allows you to restart, troubleshoot, and restore your own VPS without the help of your provider. This is all functionality free with all VPS packages. Restore a backup on the fly if you need to reinstall due to some sort of attack.

We manage the physical servers and assure their properly secured. Individual VPS's are secured out of the box. We can also assist with further server security if requested.

When using a VPS, you have the ease of mind to know your performance will never be lacking. As you grow along with your web traffic, the VPS will adapt as needed with the use of the Solusvm(Openvz) technology. Upgrading to a higher resource VPS is simple with no downtime.

Bronze VPS

HDD : 50GB
RAM : 512MB
Burstable RAM : 1024MB
Bandwidth : 1Gbps Unmetered
OS: Windows 2008 R2 Std
CPU: Xeon Server ( Dedicated 1 Core )

Price: 18.99$/mo.

Click Here: Order Now


Silver VPS

HDD : 120GB
RAM : 1024MB
Burstable RAM : 2048MB
Bandwidth : 1Gbps Unmetered
OS: Windows 2008 R2 Std
CPU: Xeon Server ( Dedicated 2 Cores )

Price: 25.99$/mo.

Click Here: Order Now


Gold VPS

HDD : 250GB
RAM : 2048MB
Burstable RAM : 3072MB
Bandwidth : 1Gbps Unmetered
OS: Windows 2008 R2 Std
CPU: Xeon Server ( Dedicated 2 Cores )

Price: 37.99$/mo.

Click Here: Order Now


Diamond VPS

HDD : 320GB
RAM : 2048MB
Burstable RAM : 4096MB
Bandwidth : 1Gbps Unmetered
OS: Windows 2008 R2 Std
CPU: Xeon Server ( Dedicated 3 Cores )

Price: 45.99$/mo.

Click Here: Order Now


Platinum VPS

HDD : 500GB
RAM : 4096MB
Burstable RAM : 6144MB
Bandwidth : 1Gbps Unmetered
OS: Windows 2008 R2 Std
CPU: Xeon Server ( Dedicated 4 Cores )

Price: 69.99$/mo.

Click Here: Order Now

Supported Services

* Legal Adult Link Hosting
* YouTube clone hosting (Free All ffmpeg requirments installed)
* Phpfox Hosting
* Script Hosting
* External File Link Hosting

Verified Payment Modes:

* Paypal
* Alertpay
* MoneyBookers
* Bankwire Transfer
* EBS ( Indian Clients NetBanking & Debit Card Payment Mode )

Support System:

* Sales/Technical Live Support
* 24/7 Sales/Technical Ticket System Support
* E-mail Support
* MSN/Skype/Yahoo Messenger Support

Best Regards,
Sales Department.
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Nice Plans . Using their Platinum VPS since last 3months And shared hosting since 6months . They are the best VPS providers in WJ since 2008 . Many Webhosting companies came and gone. But these guys are best service. Highly Recommended
@ The Guner

If you are Indian Client . Then you need to pay 10.3% Service Tax . As we are a India Registered Company .

Best Regards,
Sales Department.
Hello ! I'm seeking Unmetered Bandwidth VPS for my MonsterBot home made script (download, upload, post auto), it's ok if I use it on the Germany Bronze VPS ? Thanks !
i am using VPS from this service provider
His service is very bad.

VPS service is also very very bad..
i am using since last one month

I do not recommend..
Guys i do not recommend scorphost because
i am getting errors one by one daily...
since last one week i am getting error (Invalid Handle......) while downloading any file via any downloader,
And they are unable to fix that error....

This is not support thread .

Let me tell you that Windows VPS service is not managed service . As because of the bug on Virtuozzo reinstallation option .

We even have rebuilt the VPS as many times you have asked for .

As you can see on our another sales thread . There are clients who know to take care of their services . And really they enjoying our service .

Further more comments you make would be discarded by our team .

Best Regards,
Prathik K
Sales Manager
Scope Ace Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
you have intersting prices but the worst support. I had some questions I asked to your support(aryan) and he just responded to two of them and ignored the others.
It's good to offer nice prices but if there's not enough help to support it, it's just worthless.
You've lost yourself a custumer :facepalm:
goddd ~~~
MY WUVPSPLAN 2 100Mbps German Server
now invoice come but not change from 25.99(old prize) to 20.99(new prize).
it still pay 25.99 ? :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
@ ubokin

As you have signed up for old prices . It doesn't change for existing clients . New prices applies for the new clients ..

If you want to change the plan for new revised one. Open sales ticket. Accounting department will reply it.


We have investigated chat logs . There we haven't found anything . Which as not been answered any of the client queries .

If you have any further doubts or queries do ask through PM , mail us at sales@scopehosts.com. There will be prompt answers to your queries .

Best Regards,
Prathik K
Sales Manager
Scope Ace Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
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