ScopeHosts.Com Unmetered 100Mbps|1Gbps Windows/Linux VPS at 7.99€/mo.(NL,DE,US,RU)

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When you had asked for live chat support. Our Sales team was busy with customers .

Server was rebooted after latest script releases . It just took 10mins for server to come up .

Your Ticket was replied within 5mins after creation . You need to have patience . As we will be handling more then 20 Clients at a time on live support ..

When live support is busy with other clients . Immediately you open ticket . You will get fastest support.

Best Regards,
Siddesh H
Managing Director
Scope Ace Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
@ MrKapital

Yes that offer is working only for Germany 100MBit Servers.

@ xXxuploadxXx

You can install them . But should be used for private purpose alone. We wont be allowing sharing public or to any staff members etc.

Services Updates

We Would like bring notice to all Respected Wjunction Members and Staff . ScopeHosts as Launched Russia Offshore VPS Services .

Presently we are providing a 10% Recurring Discount on Russian VPS Services. Hurry Up!! Valid Upto 1 Week

Best Regards,
Santosh R
Marketing Manager
Scope Ace Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Just ordered a plan.
Was surprised that they actually have an automated phone call made to your phone to verify.

Seems like a really professional company
Waiting to be setup.
I bought yesterday, today I received vps, but I can not login, it says that the data is incorrect, I send ticket for more than 5 hours ago and no answer, please help me.

sorry for my english.

Your password was reset and sent to your registered email address. Credit will be added for this confusion .

Best Regards,
Santosh R
Marketing Manager
Scope Ace Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Sorry for the delay . Billing Department was off on Sunday . Your details as been sent to the registered email address.

Service Updates:

Netherlands Dedicated Servers Added into our services . This Weekend we will be expecting the release of 1GBps Netherlands VPS Services.

Best Regards,
Siddesh H
Managing Director
Scope Ace Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

The USA DC is doing some immediate maintenance . Soon It will be active again .

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Proper Compensation will be added to all USA Clients and Windows VPS Clients.
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