VPS ScopeHosts.com Offshore VPS Offers 12.99$/mo

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'As Any of the VPS Server provider wont allow you to host or share these files'

Incorrect, OpenVservers allows warez file hosting on its VPS services.
Hosting Or Sharing these files you need to have Dedicated Server . As Any of the VPS Server provider wont allow you to host or share these files .

1stly then consume lot of CPU Resource while sharing .
2ndly There will be multiple VPS nodes on each hardware node . So the resource will be shared amoung those multiple VPS nodes.
3rd If any of the VPS providers accept your request 1st thing u keep in mind he is new to the service providing and 2ndly later or sooner his service will be doomed with heavy loading.

Thank you,

SarkarRaj - ScopeHosts

First of all, sorry to go off-topic to comment what you just said.

1stly then consume lot of CPU Resource while sharing.
A: You are correct. However there are certain options that you can apply to avoid a certain VPS to use more than X MHz. If you didn't know about this, search about it. Of course that, it will depend as well on what virtualization technology you are using (apparently, yours is OpenVZ).

2ndly There will be multiple VPS nodes on each hardware node . So the resource will be shared amoung those multiple VPS nodes.
A: And again: you can apply certain rules to avoid the overusage from your own clients in their own virtual servers. This allows them to run whatever they want, since they won't be able to use more than a determined resource (and this includes I/O of the HD, CPU Usage, even the speed of the network, ram, whatever). All this can be done, if you have the skills to do it.

3rd If any of the VPS providers accept your request 1st thing u keep in mind he is new to the service providing and 2ndly later or sooner his service will be doomed with heavy loading.
A: I know that, it is your opinion, but let me tell you my version. What you are saying on point 3 depends on a certain number of circunstances. But mainly, if you are overselling a service. And, I'm not going to say if you are overselling or not (since it would be unprofessional to do a public comment about it).

It will depend also if you know how to configure correctly your virtual servers or not (to be prepared for any application). It will depend as well on the hardware, and how you configure your own HDs.

For example, you will have load problems when someone uses a single bittorrent program or extracts a big rar file in your vps service (and because you know this, you don't allow it). But with OpenVServers, you won't have any problem because of their own special configuration!!!

I hope I didn't offended you, just because I told you my opinion and my own current professional experience. I wish a good day to everyone!

Best Regards
@ rfhm

A: You are correct. However there are certain options that you can apply to avoid a certain VPS to use more than X MHz. If you didn't know about this, search about it. Of course that, it will depend as well on what virtualization technology you are using (apparently, yours is OpenVZ).
My Ans: Hope You have read our thread properly and go through our features . We have mentioned clearly there will be Equally shared Processor speed for all VPS clients . For Your kind information we are using Parallels Virtuozzo virtualization technology , Not OpenVZ & There is lots of difference between them .

A: And again: you can apply certain rules to avoid the overusage from your own clients in their own virtual servers. This allows them to run whatever they want, since they won't be able to use more than a determined resource (and this includes I/O of the HD, CPU Usage, even the speed of the network, ram, whatever). All this can be done, if you have the skills to do it.
My Ans: We Do have better Technical Staff Members who are having minimum experience of 3 years . They do know every well how to use software and do the configuration . We treat all clients as one . as we give them unique facilities . mend of configuration as per the clients request . You need not judge our skills here

A: I know that, it is your opinion, but let me tell you my version. What you are saying on point 3 depends on a certain number of circunstances. But mainly, if you are overselling a service. And, I'm not going to say if you are overselling or not (since it would be unprofessional to do a public comment about it).
MyAns: As For the proofs we do have around 15+ Happy VPS Clients of WJ members are using our service now past 2-3months now . All Of them know what kind of service we provide them . Regarding Overselling is concerned You need not even think of commenting regarding it as you have not used our service . As proof you can see not even a single comment from happy 15+ WJ clients , that we are overselling our resource.

It will depend also if you know how to configure correctly your virtual servers or not (to be prepared for any application). It will depend as well on the hardware, and how you configure your own HDs.

For example, you will have load problems when someone uses a single bittorrent program or extracts a big rar file in your vps service (and because you know this, you don't allow it). But with OpenVServers, you won't have any problem because of their own special configuration!!!
As we know our hardwares better then you and their performance , also we make the rules what we allow or what we dont allow . We dont need to learn from you. keep your own special configuration in own thread.

Never try to do this sort of offtopic comment here again . Mind with your own thread . Non as asked you comment here .

This ends the offtopic comments session . I dont like to continue this .

Regarding sales you have to comment your welcome .

Thank you,

Peace ...

Best Regards,
SarkarRaj - ScopeHosts
@ rfhm

My Ans: Hope You have read our thread properly and go through our features . We have mentioned clearly there will be Equally shared Processor speed for all VPS clients . For Your kind information we are using Parallels Virtuozzo virtualization technology , Not OpenVZ & There is lots of difference between them .

My Ans: We Do have better Technical Staff Members who are having minimum experience of 3 years . They do know every well how to use software and do the configuration . We treat all clients as one . as we give them unique facilities . mend of configuration as per the clients request . You need not judge our skills here

MyAns: As For the proofs we do have around 15+ Happy VPS Clients of WJ members are using our service now past 2-3months now . All Of them know what kind of service we provide them . Regarding Overselling is concerned You need not even think of commenting regarding it as you have not used our service . As proof you can see not even a single comment from happy 15+ WJ clients , that we are overselling our resource.

As we know our hardwares better then you and their performance , also we make the rules what we allow or what we dont allow . We dont need to learn from you. keep your own special configuration in own thread.

Never try to do this sort of offtopic comment here again . Mind with your own thread . Non as asked you comment here .

This ends the offtopic comments session . I dont like to continue this .

Regarding sales you have to comment your welcome .

Thank you,

Peace ...

Best Regards,
SarkarRaj - ScopeHosts

I will respect your request. And because of it, I have replied to you here: http://www.wjunction.com/showthread.php?p=157081#post157081

@ rfhm

1stly i didn't request you , I informed you not to make offtopic comments .

I`am not concerned with your other topic here on WJ . My Job is only with our sales thread . And helping the clients who need help regarding the webhosting .

Thank you,

SarkarRaj - ScopeHosts.
I notice here it says you have your choice of OS Linux/Windows but at the order stage there is no choice for windows at all. Do you support Windows or not? I'm confused.
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