Selling SceneAccess.ORG Invites

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r signups open dere

Sign ups are never open there and I doubt ever will be.
It's an amazing torrent site has the best pre times for torrents now, it use to be between ScT and SCC but since ScT has shut down SCC is the leader for the time being.
It was never a competition between ScT and SCC imo.
ScT was the best.....hands down. SCC was always second with GFT coming in a distant third.

And btw, are your invites working? because many people tell me that their invites are currently not working for SCC.

And good luck with your sale.
btw how he is selling invites at 10$... the site itself takes 10euro donation then gives 1 invite to the donor.. r u selling at few bucks loss or what....?
Invites at SCC are NOT working, mate.

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