Other sBorghost.com - sBorg Hosting, w/ Torrents, Unmetered b/w, Starting at 14$ (US)

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Here we go again.... MORE problems....

sBorg is not working... no rar, no unrar, no mtn.... nothing..... says I don't have permission....

All I did was go to sleep last night, and this morning: ta-da.... sborg not working.

Now I can't even do anything..... brilliant....... FIX THIS ASAP!!!X-(
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Working at the moment .... Download, upload and RAR work perfectly.

When I changed something in PostEditor I got a message for mtn, RAR etc that the permissions were changed.

Looking at your permission errors, you also might try to edit settings or edit in the post editor. Your permissions might be changed automatically.

Also you might blank your directory in the screenshot out. People might want to crack your login.

Using a ticket perhaps might get you a faster answer though. Their support is excellent.
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I didn't change anything.....

I don't even use the PostEditor, and I re-checked all my settings on setup: they're the exact same they've always been.

So, whatever is wrong, it's not my fault. And I'm getting pissed off that everyday something is wrong.
You didn't understand.

You should edit something in the setup or posteditor and save it. Then it might provoke a permission change as it did with me.
You didn't understand.

You should edit something in the setup or posteditor and save it. Then it might provoke a permission change as it did with me.

Already tried that. Still same thing........

EDIT: Changed setup settings for the 5th time and now it's working...... but something is definitely wrong with sBorg, cause every other day, some other problem pops up....
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There are many factors why problem arise.

- Filehosts or their carriers fail
- Bugs of the sBorg script.

Do not blame it on the provider straight away and use tickets. Scudmis and Encode provide excellent service.

Already tried that. Still same thing........

EDIT: Changed setup settings for the 5th time and now it's working...... but something is definitely wrong with sBorg, cause every other day, some other problem pops up....
Until yesterday, it was all fine; but now it won't upload to my fileserve account any files because of Fileserve's Captcha Login.

It uploads as an anonymous user, and not to my account.

Any way to fix this??
No problem here. All files end up neatly in my FileSe account.

for torrent, i can use it for seeding also? im new about sborg actually
Yes, sBorg seeds too. but the ratio is limited to 2.0 on this server.
No problem here. All files end up neatly in my FileSe account.

Is your fileserve account premium???!!!

It's working for non-premium accounts; for premium accounts, which is my case, doesn't upload to account because of captcha login and doesn't download also because of captcha login.

Uploading - not working:

Downloading - not working:

And before anyone asks, my fileserve account is premium, in perfect condition and the links I'm trying to upload/download are perfectly alive.
But because of captcha it doesn't connect to the premium account and doesn't work at all for UL/DL.... :(
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If I can't upload/download to and from fileserve with sBorg, then sBorg is now useless to me....

No replies to my support tickets.... And apparently, not everyone has captcha when logging in, which is making me even more pissed off.
someone has tried to bruteforce attack your fileserve account , try to make a new one and use for a while , it may take some time until your fs account gets back2normal
i will Start sborg after stuck my firefox and PC waht happend
i will Start sborg after not opening new tab

help me

and now Fileserve DL/UL not working :(

someone has tried to bruteforce attack your fileserve account , try to make a new one and use for a while , it may take some time until your fs account gets back2normal

No one tried to bruteforce my account.

Apparently the "problem" is with multiple IP's, which I'm assuming can only be caused by using sBorg.:(:(:(

Now, I'm screwed. No uploading or downloading.

Because even if I create a new free account on fileserve, still can't download from fileserve on sBorg, because my premium account has captcha.
My account is premium. As said files do end up in my account as usual.

However, I do not download from FileServe, as I faced also problems with that. I do know that it's neither the fault of sBorg or sborghost, but simply lies at Fileserve's side.

Logging in my account at FileSe, I do not notice a captcha.
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