Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

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FTP is fixed now.
Please hold on,we are processing all the payment in the range .

Anyone would like to become Ryushare reseller,pm me pls (username and sites)
But you must meet some requirements :
-Your account must have above 60days activity.
-You have received 2 times payments and more.
-You own a website.
-Do not sell the key cheaper than the price of official Ryushare sales' prices.
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Hi, @Valek

Up at the top, click on "My Account".

Once there, you'll see the balance.

To the right of the balance is "Request ******".

Click on "Request ******".

Once that page opens, you'll see "Extend my account for 30 days"

That's it !

Hope this helps.



Hi guys i would really like to purchase a payment - (Sorry if this is off topic)

Im from the uk and i realsied its in $ which is 12.88 for 30 days. My question is i realise thats around £8 British money - But does anyone have a rough idea how much natwest would charge me for making a USD $ payment ? (Conversion)

Also - Let's say 27 days into my 30 day membership I decide not to no longer stay with ryushare (say i can't afford it) .. Would i be able to cancel my membership without any problems? Or would i still be getting charged and money taken out of my account?

I understand about resellers selling via paypal - But i would prefer to do it via website it's a shame they don't offer paypal.

Thanks if you could help.
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