Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

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Hi RyuShare,

About a month ago, I wrote about Remote URL Upload:

"........Most all lockers have a list of Remote Sites than can be remoted From.

In that list the user finds their partcular site and inputs their info:


This is a one time procedure

From then on, all the user has to do is click on Remote Upload......

And paste in the Remote File's URL and hit "Upload"

And.....viola............the file is uploaded...."

Would you ask whomever writes the codes to check into this and implement it. It would be a big help.

Many thanks !

@zazikstealth, zoug100 : 30days for free and 90 days for premium without download.
@_Love4ever_ : yes,you can,but pls no illegal contents.
Hi ryukenshine.
can you stabilize a situation with your paysystens. Cause when paysystem is avangate i have sales, right now this is https://onepay.vn. People dont like him anyway. And when this is https://onepay.vn my sales just gone. Why do you do this? why you change paysystems for 10 times on a day? This is real bad for sales. Avangate for now have a lot of another filesharing servises and people trust him. not https://onepay.vn

when there are no sales onepay.vn
when avangate, then the sale is
when there are no sales onepay.vn
when avangate, then the sale is

Just give people the choise please. They can only be at the same time. And people one step at a time will get used the new or if they needed only onepay. Just 2 paygates on the same time you lose nothing but we got the sales. Don't be so angry to my words. I said that cause i want help to you and to myself. we work together. When some american or german man saw onepay he just go away to another filesharing with the paygate which he know and which he trust. Too many filesharing and people have too much choise. Thanks. Do not take offence I speak sincerely.
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Dear p1otr,
I am apologize about misunderstand your mean. American can not see Onepay paygate. We keep Onepay for some private reason. Onepay only take 10%.
Got paid.... just like expected...thank you!!!!

Added after 10 minutes:

403 euro but only got 476 us dollars? Is that normal?
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