Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

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@gold54 : Auto renewal was activated on this day last month and we will get some more rebills from now.

@Santry : about payment options,you should pm us instead of write here ,we have some issues and we dont want to discuss about payment option here.

To all : if nothing happens,as we expected and Im not sure 100%,next month on November ,our pay time will reduced to 7-10 days .
@gold54 : Im sorry,we stopped offering free premium upgrading
@sagropa : just overload at a moment
@Ice : ftp please.

Im very sorry,Our plan about new payment time (7-10days) will be delayed .Please wait to next week,hope everything will be well .
@Proaudiozone.info : we got a big problem today and I think he need time to resolve it first,all delayed payment todays as I promised ,will be paid tomorrow.Im very sorry.
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