Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

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you have been hacked if you have not been paid yet change your info right away also all your passwords including e-mail password act fast

as this thing is spreading it's better for everyone who have LR info to check and change there log in details all of it also ryushare don't pay anything to account U9723055 it's clearly to be repeated all over this hack thing
This paygate is fine....those who r supposed to get sales..they are getting without any trouble...there are still other alternative hosts for losers

Just Sh.t up if you are happy with this paygate, and Stop calling people losers ...
if this paygate was good , Nobody would complain this much.
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What's wrong with you people whining about payment already. News said delayed until 6th. And that doesn't mean you should cry tomorrow afternoon. But I am sure we'll have a dozen of posts by tomorrow night saying something like "Oh it is 6th, why no money, you scam, I no work with ryu any more..."
Do you really think it is easy to send that much money to that many people. So what if someone gets paid on 7th or 8th. Don't tell me you'll die of starvation if you get the money 2 days later then you were hoping for.

That being said we should complain about the lack of better paygate though. Over a month to add it is just too long even considering the current climate with payment processors and this niche. There is a lot of other file hosting / cloud storage or whatever they are called companies and most of them have payment options for people from USA so it is not like it is an impossible task.
This paygate is fine....those who r supposed to get sales..they are getting without any trouble...there are still other alternative hosts for losers

it is fine for outside US market.

but people asking for paygate that will accept worldwide market.

why so petty with people asking for paygate?

Added after 5 minutes:

What's wrong with you people whining about payment already. News said delayed until 6th. And that doesn't mean you should cry tomorrow afternoon. But I am sure we'll have a dozen of posts by tomorrow night saying something like "Oh it is 6th, why no money, you scam, I no work with ryu any more..."
Do you really think it is easy to send that much money to that many people. So what if someone gets paid on 7th or 8th. Don't tell me you'll die of starvation if you get the money 2 days later then you were hoping for.

That being said we should complain about the lack of better paygate though. Over a month to add it is just too long even considering the current climate with payment processors and this niche. There is a lot of other file hosting / cloud storage or whatever they are called companies and most of them have payment options for people from USA so it is not like it is an impossible task.

both payout and paygate are the problem of this host.

if you dont worry about the payout not on time.. then i dont know why are you uploading for.
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Why dont you change to other host..where a paygate of your choice is there..Why hitting your head here?:hrhr:

Changing the host ? Who do you think you are telling me to do something ? as we know, we are getting only overseas sales. not from usa. right now 6-7 sales daily might not be enough for some of us.
So why dont you just be yourself instead of trying to look cute to the filehost :)

You dont have to type me back. Here is not off topic ...
both payout and paygate are the problem of this host.

if you dont worry about the payout not on time.. then i dont know why are you uploading for.

Because there is no such thing as payout on time with Ryushare. It is not like they gave you a contract which says you'll be paid on specific day of a month or anything like that. They pay approximately 15 days after request. That can be 13 or 20 days. Either way my only concern is if they pay or not. And I know they pay, that's good enough for me. Sure I'd be upset if they didn't pay 40 days after requesting, but I don't understand people complaining about few days delay and even before the announced date. And as I wrote earlier I think we should be more concerned about not being able to earn anything close to the full potential. I doubt USA is the only country that can't purchase a premium. And even those that can I imagine some at least have doubts when they see a vn domain while purchasing. So I hope we'll see a new paygate soon for everyone's sake.
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