Ryushare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ryushare here.

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Bye Bye Ryushare,

my earning is reducing for 70% when compared with the same month in the previous year.

I don't know what's happened to Ryushare but I am looking for a new file hosting site.

Anybody suggest me for a new site instead of Ryushare?
new system or old system I keep getting rebills from others files all the time In last month alone I got 15 rebill I post in pornbb so I guss that's why I keep getting rebills from others files enjoy it while you can seems like all uploaders are getting fed up here :D
Only users l like u will be affected since u had amassed a huge number of referrals. The new ststem will be better for users who upload fresh content on a daily basis. The earlier affiliate system allowed you to sit back relax and enjoy your rebills but now times have changed. You need to bust your own ass to generate sales.
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Only users l like u will be affected since u had amassed a huge number of referrals. The new ststem will be better for users who upload fresh content on a daily basis. The earlier affiliate system allowed you to sit back relax and enjoy your rebills but now times have changed. You need to bust your own ass to generate sales.

just please mate don't assume u know me or anything about me :) i have my own blog with huge traffic 50K UV/day i don't use forums at all that's why i don't get others sales coz my referrals 90% are from 3rd world countries who never visit forums or porn forums are blocked in their countries so no matter how much referrals i get those never actually visit the forums where others post okay my friend

secondly if they have actually did what they said i would have no issue they just tried to so they fu**ed up the system

people still get rebills from others files check the posts back in novamber and see 2 months after they said they change the system :)

hope u understood me friend
not possible to have 2 rebill in 3 days, before I had so many

[TABLE="class: tbl1, width: 800"]
[TD]3410 / €0[/TD]
[TD]0 / €0[/TD]
[TD]0/ €0[/TD]
[TD]0/ €0[/TD]
[TD]3188 / €0[/TD]
[TD]0 / €0[/TD]
[TD]1/ €5.976[/TD]
[TD]0/ €0[/TD]
[TD]2796 / €0[/TD]
[TD]0 / €0[/TD]
[TD]1/ €5.976[/TD]
[TD]0/ €0[/TD]
new system = rip lazy uploaders...
Trust me one thing I am not is lazy my sales are great with the other hosts I use, since they changed the system there has been a massive drop in sales and rebills for me and some other big uploaders.

How are your sales? are you even use ryushare.
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new system = rip lazy uploaders...
Trust me one thing I am not is lazy my sales are great with the other hosts I use, since they changed the system there has been a massive drop in sales and rebills for me and some other big uploaders.

How are your sales? or doing you even use ryushare.

you really don't have to say that almost every uploader who complain here now is an uploader with huge sales record and i know u from long time now and i know that you are a very good uploader making several grands a month :) even with more than one host in use
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