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4 days without sales. what happend ryukenshine... last before i have always get sales/days

ya since the beginning of October actually and now i have a pattern one good month the the next is bad now October was bad November was nearly OK and now December looks bad

gotta wonder what they altered in the rebills counting system !!

sales are fine with me. but still waiting for my payout. please ryu :)

can u check for that pattern in your reports did you have some kind of drop in October ?? overall sales/rebill number is the same in the last 3 months as it was before ??
bcoz now only your own hard work is going to yield sales

Are you 100% sure of this, mate?

I wish the same but i am not sure still. In 1st December i got a rebill from another user's file.

And Ryukenshine is not coming online to make clear to us whether the referrals-rebills system changed.
agreed. Just got 1 rebill from other uploader file yesterday. I think they still didn't change the system...and ryukenshine seems not interested to explain about this here.
agreed. Just got 1 rebill from other uploader file yesterday. I think they still didn't change the system...and ryukenshine seems not interested to explain about this here.

I wonder too why Ryukenshine is not coming online to explain to us the changes.

We still get rebills from other users' files and Ryukenshine told us few days ago that the system changed.

And he never gave an official announcement to explain us the changes with more details.

Ryukenshine, is that so bad to explain the changes to your affiliates?

You see that we are cinfused and we still get rebills from other users' files while you told us that this changed.

Why don't you help us to make things clear?
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will they defiantly changed something to the worst :) i don't get another uploaer rebills just few countable times but since that change my own sales/rebills got waked :D
All clear now. Thanks ryukinshare.

[TABLE="class: tbl1, width: 800"]
[TD="bgcolor: #E9F0FF"]2013-11-16[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E9F0FF"]€xxx.xx[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E9F0FF"]PAID[/TD]
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Ryukenshine, you dont care to tell us about the changes and you neither dont care to reply to my pm's.

Thank you, mate :)

It seems you don't care to bring new users in ryushare.

But it is not professional to ignore requests for help from your affiliates.

I thought it would not be so difficult for a filehost admin to explain to his users the changes of the filehost system.

It seems you don't care if we are not sure 100% about the changes.

Never mind. No problem! :)
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