Ryushare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ryushare here.

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Status paid on last Monday but no money in PP yet..strange as this is the first time it happens to me. I will wait few days more and see what will happen then.
it looks like they deleted some of the inactive account holders referrals. But I know that there are still a few old uploaders here who have not left ryushare yet that still get rebills . Or maybe the only reason why there are not as many rebill and sale before is that there was a USA paygate problem, resellers, unfair ref system,debrid sites and free download speed. Thus, most people left ryushare because of these problems.. if there is not enough ryushare uploaders around anymore then dont expect much rebills or sales I still have good contents to share but I can not share them with ryushare links because they are all going to be leeched by high free speed, even if I get a sale who knows maybe the other uploaders will get my sale.. Ryushare has lost their popularity and new uploaders stay away from ryushare. They should make some changes to bring old uploaders back and gain new ones I know that There are still some uploaders out there who are willing to use Ryuhare again But they are all afraid of making old uploaders richer with their own hard work.. Ryukenshine. Please change the system as soon as possible. We all are ready to come back...
System had changed from one month ago. Regards
Ryukenshine, can you please explain to us with details what the changes are?

If user 1 who is referral of eg scorpio buys premium or renews his premium from my link, i will not get the sale. The sale will go to scorpio.

This is how ryu was working.

Did you change this or not?
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^what if your referral renew his account from account page...will you get the earning or not? If not then that's bad news.
I think account page means homepage, so the rebill will be credited to you. I think that is fair.

from home page, means he renew his account and he was created his account under a referal from a guy ! so that guy will be credited . i think so !

or it depends on the cookies ! so if the user renew his account from home page, the money will go for the file owner which has been lately downloaded by that guy ! (I Hope this )

and of course if someone renew his account using my referal, i'll get the money, even if that guy was registered under another guy's link

btw, US sales are working ???

i hope everything is going as i'm thinking of, i really want to use an extra file host with UL !

and really want to use Ryu :)
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I got a rebill now from another user's file.

One of my referrals renewed his premium under this user's link but i got the rebill.

Nothing changed with referrals-rebills system.

Maybe changes took place in other things.
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