Ryushare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ryushare here.

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@^^GoRiLLaZ^^ friend why y circle the downloads this is not PPD host when u have decent number of downloads u will get sales u know how many completed downloads are those less than 30 u don't get sales for that

@Xtc too early to say anything friend go back few pages and see my first month stats i had more than double your downs but yet users had to trust that new host u use and know u will stick with it i waited 9 full days with +3K downs and it's perfect logic people don't just buy every time u move to a new host

but if u 2 thinks this is a fair test (which is totally not ) then maybe ryu isn't working for u and u can make the same test else where hope best of luck to u 2
download never counts... this given downloads was from 6-05 to 6-09 at that time interval between two download was less so to many dls..
now days time interval between two downloads had been increased so less downloads but still getting sales... thanks RYU...
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I created my second acc. Just to try and show you guys espacially for people who has prejudge about the refferal System . See I got the first big great rebill without getting a sale yet... i hope I cleared the doubt in your minds... to use ryushare or not is your desicion We never force anybody here ,

Stats removed

Ryushare is the best Filehost
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actually my friend it was already proven by the new guys already keito0015,hyp,spice boy and MuraTurk and other but there are some specially who are not using ryu who knows better than all so no reason to repost the truth :)
okay, my turn to whine a bit... I haven't had a sale or rebill in a week. Seven days of $0. :(
I haven't had a dry spell this long since after my first month.

---------- Post added at 01:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:30 PM ----------

Oh now this is just too funny. Just went back to check and got a e35 sale. :)
The drought has ended, let the rainstorm of mega-sales begin!
@hyp do y think we never have hard time ?? there are days with 0 sale and am very sad with them even with 2 sales am not happy i never whine coz i check and see nothing wrong all what had to do is wait :D see that one year sale is about 5.5 one month sales commission see it's like u had one sale each day for over 5 days :D

wish u get a lot of those all the time :)
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