Ryushare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ryushare here.

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it`s not a good time to leave Ryushare while Rg uploaders moving to Ryu. That`s the only Reason RG sales dropped almost nothing comes and Plus shaving. better stick with Ryu...
its been 18 days and getting more then 500+ downloads and no sale...

i was hoping i'll stick even though i'll not get sale..
but without money i can't pay my server bills and my own internet bills..
thts the main reason...

its nice to talk with you guys..

---------- Post added at 08:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:06 PM ----------

Dnt knw about my next filehost.. all are shit..

Haha u r so funny. How much they pay you to sweet talk about that shitty host? Or u just have alot of referals and want more rebills? Its too late to start ryushare. Only old uploaders can make sales there (started 1-2years ago) .They got lots of referals, so everytime u sell a sale, they get rebill instead, and you get NOTHING. Dont waste your time and dont let guys like scorpio to make money of YOUR WORK. Yes, rapidgator is shaving, but in ryushare you will get 0 sales (tested it myself , ryushare - 2 weeks no sales, rapidgator - 2 weeks 120$).
So what r u going to say now? Show us ur screens again how u r making shtload of money because u have lots of referal? How about show screen of people who started 1-4weeks ago?
Haha u r so funny. How much they pay you to sweet talk about that shitty host? Or u just have alot of referals and want more rebills? Its too late to start ryushare. Only old uploaders can make sales there (started 1-2years ago) .They got lots of referals, so everytime u sell a sale, they get rebill instead, and you get NOTHING. Dont waste your time and dont let guys like scorpio to make money of YOUR WORK. Yes, rapidgator is shaving, but in ryushare you will get 0 sales (tested it myself , ryushare - 2 weeks no sales, rapidgator - 2 weeks 120$).
So what r u going to say now? Show us ur screens again how u r making shtload of money because u have lots of referal? How about show screen of people who started 1-4weeks ago?


if the Rebill and Renewal System was same like you think, This guy wouldnt get rebill or renewal.. So your test is worthless
Check this out, New uploader `Stats.. If you are a loser with your shi,,ty work, it`s your own fault. Stop blaming people or the filehost.. It`s clear that you and your work are useless...!
Rebills and renewals are shown in the same column .... There`s no new or old uploader`s profit situation here. Just work instead of making theory... or go...
hhhhhh every body who uses ryu knows that if a user registered first then buy it' counted as a rebill even it it's first time sale :) we all got rebills at first month

wanna see new uplaoder stats new guy here u go 0 referrals :)


go bitch about your failure somewhere else ryu is great many many uplaoders are happy with just see some last posts also use Google and see how many big sites are using only ryu i mean huge sites

Haha u r so funny. How much they pay you to sweet talk about that shitty host??

sure they paid him to leave :)) :))
And you can check how many are using rapidgator :) You are always trashtalking about rg, even tho they are WAY better than ryushare.
>Many uploaders are happy.
You mean old uploaders? Of course they are happy, they are making money for doing nothing, just having alot of referals. And if ryushare is so good, why i can see posts of people complaining everyday?
first u say no new uplaoder can earn when we show our first month sales u dodged that to say ya but you are making money from others coz u have no point

see little friend no one is making money of anyone's i have been 10 month here got around 3600 refreal (more than almost anybody ) i got 856 sale and rebill only 5 of them with someone esle's file so 5/856 thats 0.005% of my sales

if am with that much referral have 99.994% of my sales of my own files then no one is making any money from others files

u have failed little man coz u don't know how your content is not good enough or posted in a place where every one have ryu's premium already not coz of ryu if it was ryu the all would have failed first month and there will be no old upladers :)
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>first u say no new uplaoder can earn when we show our first month sales u dodged that to say ya but you are making money from others coz u have no point
u started a year ago, when no1 was using ryushare, thats why u got good sales. Now old uploaders steals everything :)
My content is not good enough? why i get rapidgator sales with same content then? Rapidgator is way more popular then ryu, so ur 2nd argument is invalid too.

actually 10 month when it was very very popular check the first ryushare thread here do a search and see

Hyp joined 4 month ago see what he is saying ( i think u will also say 4 month ago ryu was not popular )

second i gave u 3 reasons why u may failed trying to have civilized conversation instead of attacking each other the third reason maybe

u posted in a place where every one had ryushare prem already

i don't need to discuss RG here if your opinion is good enough t judge RYUshare then there are enough opinions in RG thread to kill them

so let talking about other hosts here this is for RYUshare only :)

also uploaders here don't listen to no one :) they only listen to thier money so if i keep saying ryu is best and some looses he will leave and i u kept saying it's bad it's bad and some one is earning good he won't listen

so no one here guides no one it's just points of view and every uplaoder uses the host that get's him more money
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Just a couple of miserable posters making money from othe poster's work. That's why you suck up to this host. That's the precise reason you push some others here into this host. You plus very-well know they won't be likely to generate sales unless they monitize from this pathetic porn upload work, but the people who might sign up for premium over their links could be your referrals :D. Just try to be straight-forward for a minute please. Admit that you like to make money from new Ryushare uploders' content.. Please either this cypherz or scorpion guy. Just asking do not answer this message. The only reason i've attempted to bring this up is DO NOT be a tool guys. Just think about it. (As you can see the truth pissed some guys off, they don't even know how to do a discussion without any insult, believe this is because they got too much free time and they spend it watching porn while making money from new Ryushare uploders' work, however i only asked these guys not to answer my post.)
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Just a couple of miserable posters making money from othe poster's work. That's why you suck up to this host. That's the precise reason you push some others here into this host. You plus very-well know they won't be likely to generate sales unless they monitize from this pathetic porn upload work, but the people who might sign up for premium over their links could be your referrals :D. Just try to be straight-forward for a minute please. Admit that you like to make money from new Ryushare uploders' content.. Please either this cypherz or scorpion guy. Just asking do not answer this message. The only reason i've attempted to bring this up is DO NOT be a tool guys. Just think about it.

Exactly.The best and most real post in ruyshare thread.Think about it and dont be a tool for old uploaders.New uploaders leave this host immediately just check the posts of scorpion and cypher.They always force you to use ruyshare.FORCE YOU.Why?Because then you will work for them.Just leave them and use other hosts there are plenty of them and way more fair than ruyshare.

Sent from my u8800pro using Tapatalk 2
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hahahahah now i get what this all about RG is afraid of people leaving to ryu so he send u guys to say those words hahahah what a fail

so 2 stupid RG uses here so now i get it u don't use ryu don't know anything a bot and u here to say these stupid words :D

how about RG deleting rebills files ha go where u belong u no nothing of RYUshare RG slaves :D

---------- Post added at 10:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 PM ----------

Just a couple of miserable posters making money from othe poster's work. That's why you suck up to this host
how many years have u used ryu ?? none so you are stuid fool and maybe a little kid with a lollipop ( u want this personal let's get it personal )

Please either this cypherz or scorpion guy. Just asking do not answer this message. The only reason i've attempted to bring this up is DO NOT be a tool guys. Just think about it.

u want to say all that and we won't reply :D u dream i thought about you words then said what a looser who think that someone will follow anyone any where :D if what u say is true how come am was making so much money before ryu check my old posts dear

---------- Post added at 10:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:54 PM ----------

the posts of scorpion and cypher.They always force you to use ruyshare.FORCE YOU.

see those guys who are leaving and i wishing them good luck :D what a force hhhhhhhhhh

hey smart guy can u tell me how i force people over the internet :D coz no one listens to what i say unless they see it in there reports

if u tell me how can i force WJ members please coz i wanna force u into doing something funny :D
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