Ryushare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ryushare here.

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i don't fully understand u but all people registered from you links free and premium will show in your referral list

It dose not mean anything,

some referral member ordered a premium service but the earing was not added to you account.
i don't fully understand u but all people registered from you links free and premium will show in your referral list

only premium members show in the list is it ?
till now i got 2 members in the referal list no money is been added it shows money 0$
did they taken premium or not
any one who sign up for free account or premium will appear in that list mate so those 2 should be free members also premium members have a long numeric name just 12 13 numbers those are mostly premium hope this time u got me :)
NO. they're still paying late and NO sign of competing with others to pay weekly OR improve payment system with no delays.

@Computerbuddy after avantgate issue and the thread was spammed with payment posts then ryu promised to pay all in a certain day then he paid some and others waited another week so thread closed now ryu pay on time since 90 days or something they no longer wish to reopen the support thread but ryukeshine is here every day answer PM's

---------- Post added at 03:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 AM ----------

here is the equation:

Collector + Leecher = Reposter

Got it ?

Dude, let me show you what is the true meaning of hardcore collector.....

There is no end to this senseless discussion. get over it.
I just raise what I need as a collector, and you guys can just shout your selfish complaint here, it is a discussion board anyway.
I am glad that the official thread is closed so they are not compulsory to answer you. I have listened enough on all this nonsense complaint.
Ryushare paid and they are honest, that's it. I have been a happy user since June.
Can someone enlighten me that Ryushare download quota per day is confirmed 88GB ?
They never put any information about their download quota inside their FAQ so i'm not sure.

Is it strictly 88 GB / day or can accumulate per month if we don't use ?
ie : 88GB x 30 days = 2640 GB (per month)

I need to know as i'm thinking to add new hoster to my post (currently using Netload, Uploaded.net, Bitshare)

A lot of my user only download my posts on weekend (Friday - Sunday).
Their bandwidth are quite strong, overnight around 80GB - 100GB (maybe more).

And mostly they are basic user that download for their own use (Download Blueray ==> Watch ==> then decide whether they will keep or delete) so i don't think these people are consider as leecher.
I just noticed that Ryushare Added 30 - 75 - 180 - 365 days premium options.
I checked it from my Rdp in Nederland. Things are getting better .

Ryu is back . it`s time to upload more... ;)
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