i don't fully understand u but all people registered from you links free and premium will show in your referral list
It dose not mean anything,
some referral member ordered a premium service but the earing was not added to you account.
i don't fully understand u but all people registered from you links free and premium will show in your referral list
i don't fully understand u but all people registered from you links free and premium will show in your referral list
@Computerbuddy after avantgate issue and the thread was spammed with payment posts then ryu promised to pay all in a certain day then he paid some and others waited another week so thread closed now ryu pay on time since 90 days or something they no longer wish to reopen the support thread but ryukeshine is here every day answer PM's
Thanks RyuSales are incredible for the last 2 days....
75000 GB Data!!!!
but do they have a ppd program ?