Ryushare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ryushare here.

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When you can add a few of the my sites in 1 account?
And I would like to "premium only" can be turned on for individual files.
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my ryushare acc after a hack ,
i changed my all of mine passwprd
(rdp acc ryushare acc) it's no use
all my file gone !!!
i tried to re-upload
but after a couple of hours all file disappear !!!
weird !!!!! so what can i do ?????
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change the e-mail you are using to new one with a very diff password also re-change ryushare pass would be much better to change RDP server for it may be a hacker who uses the same server as u and able to access you data
kelv520, they say HDD crash for all file lost and there is no compensation are they keep silence.
I lost 4 tb data and I use them download only from now on.
i requested my payout via Liberty Reserve. which i believe much faster than Webmoney, as madmadman stated. i hope there's no more delay.
no really that was back when they had delayed payouts i resived my last LR pay with exact 15 days wait anyway try PM ryukshine here and see what's the delay
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