Romanian ISP to roll out $18 a Month Gigabit Fiber

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I'm not at home yet, but I'm sure that my bandwidth is available outside of HU, my provider has international peering networks, such as Hurricane Electric
I'm from Romania isn't true salary isn't 150$/month now is 250$/month minimum salary , but ok that guy had 17 years old , he don't know anything about politics, salaries work or something he is only at school (if he is there). lake of romanian people imigrate to another west erupean contries but why? for huge salary? :)) come on give me some exemples with few mans witch is rich there(not gypsis) . In norway is 2000-3000 euros /minim salary but there a bread is 1 euro in romania is 0.15 euro ;) in UK rent of an apartament is 300-400 GDP 1-2 weeks , In romania rent is 200 euro /month ;) .. i can give you many many exemples , please shut up if you are romanian guy and you don't know anything;). I'm 20 yo. and i make 1000 euro/month ;)
I'm 20 yo. and i make 1000 euro/month ;)

Nothing new.Everyone can make money with illegal activities....
Try to get that much with legal work in

I'm from Romania isn't true salary isn't 150$/month now is 250$/month minimum salary , but ok that guy had 17 years old , he don't know anything about politics, salaries work or something he is only at school (if he is there). lake of romanian people imigrate to another west erupean contries but why? for huge salary? :)) come on give me some exemples with few mans witch is rich there(not gypsis) . In norway is 2000-3000 euros /minim salary but there a bread is 1 euro in romania is 0.15 euro ;) in UK rent of an apartament is 300-400 GDP 1-2 weeks , In romania rent is 200 euro /month ;) .. i can give you many many exemples , please shut up if you are romanian guy and you don't know anything;).

Looks like you never was outside of romania...

Sorry for the offtopic.
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Nothing new.Everyone can make money with illegal activities....
Try to get that much with legal work in

I'm from Romania isn't true salary isn't 150$/month now is 250$/month minimum salary , but ok that guy had 17 years old , he don't know anything about politics, salaries work or something he is only at school (if he is there). lake of romanian people imigrate to another west erupean contries but why? for huge salary? :)) come on give me some exemples with few mans witch is rich there(not gypsis) . In norway is 2000-3000 euros /minim salary but there a bread is 1 euro in romania is 0.15 euro ;) in UK rent of an apartament is 300-400 GDP 1-2 weeks , In romania rent is 200 euro /month ;) .. i can give you many many exemples , please shut up if you are romanian guy and you don't know anything;).

Looks like you never was outside of romania...

Sorry for the offtopic.

You can get to 1,000 EUR/month salary with 2-3 years experience in IT industry in fields like java or c++.
You can get to 1,000 EUR/month salary with 2-3 years experience in IT industry in fields like java or c++.

of course,but it's not a alternative for all.

During the trip in romania,i have seen many poor peoples,but also seen few very rich people's.Basically there are two kind of peoples,very poor 90% and very rich 10%.This is why you cannot compare romania with rich european countries.In a normal country the ratio is somehow 10% (poor)-80% (middle class)-10% (rich).This are the basics of the healthy economy.
i don't was outside of romania? come on .. i live in paris 5 years when i was child (my dad worked at embassy) and i saw many countries ;) i think you are one of frustred peoples from romania.. because you aren't very lucky :) are very many jobs in IT finance etc. debut salary at financial domain or it domain is 500-600 euro:). I work at Microsoft romania (indirect because i'm partener microsoft at infrastructure) and i'n my free time i'm web developer and i earn from web dev and upl :) another money
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Romania does have a middle class and it is growing, the salaries are only bad if you dont have any skills whatsoever or a low demand one, but its like that in every country.
i don't was outside of romania? come on .. i live in paris 5 years when i was child (my dad worked at embassy) and i saw many countries ;) i think you are one of frustred peoples from romania.. because you aren't very lucky :) are very many jobs in IT finance etc. debut salary at financial domain or it domain is 500-600 euro:). I work at Microsoft romania (indirect because i'm partener microsoft at infrastructure) and i'n my free time i'm web developer and i earn from web dev and upl :) another money

I can't believe I accidentally just read this bullshit, shut the fuck up bro, stop proving how e-rich you are to your e-nemies. We don't care if your dad is Sadam Hussein and you get a decent salary (not that anything you said was true because it just sounds like a load of made up gobbledygoop)

Anyways, on topic: This is great news, the more places connected with faster speeds means the economy should thrive better (R)
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you finish downloading a full bluray in minutes ..

in india we have low cost high speed internet access in Hyderabad and Bangalore only, but that are only 25 mbps, not 1gbit :(
you finish downloading a full bluray in minutes ..

in india we have low cost high speed internet access in Hyderabad and Bangalore only, but that are only 25 mbps, not 1gbit :(
i have 500 mbit connection but at my isp are avaible 1gbit connection

Added after 7 Days 21 Hours:


Speed Test Romania 500 Mbit connection - YouTube

500Mbit speedtest watch?v=JyqqXM9bezs
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@ionut: Nice long houl speeds for a domestic connection
@Golovics: Wow only 1ms extra for Ubiquiti link? Nice speeds

We´re improving quickly, god bless fiber, here for 60$ 1Gbps/200Mbps


/Video with 100Mbps because ISP still testing UL throughput
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We in Brunei still struggling with DSL. Speed up to 2Mbps cost me BND$75 (Brunei dollar) or USD$59.30. We have fiber internet line service but limited to a small area over the past 2.3 years. The development of fiber lines unbearably slow.Very shameful.
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