Active Member
When can I expect to receive payment? I haven't received payment since last year.
Hi @MrRock.You have to reach the minimum payout of the selected payment method. I see you still under the minimum.
I got the error when creating ticket. Is there any way to contact to you? Email please
Checking this for you. Please try again uploader link broken. premium please timmy52
Paypal payment received. Thanks.
We don't use emails, only the support desk.
We can upgrade your account once you start getting downloads.
We keep the files for life of the premium account.
Hello anurr,Yeah, I understand the reasoning behind this.
However, it's not so simple. The content I have with Rockfile I like my users to have access for. Removing some files in order to make space, but leave some people who want older content high and dry doesn't make whole lot of sense now, does it?
I've been amazed honestly as to how well files on Rockfile survive. File life hasn't been nearly as consistent with other hosts I've been affiliated with.
But now I seemingly only have two options available for me. Either purchase a premium on top of all the other costs I have or look elsewhere. Because I can't start to delete stuff at will, with no disregard to my users...
Your account has been upgraded.can you Extend my Premium account
my user name : dolly7