| $25 / 1000 PPD - 70% PPS - Rewarding points - Bi-Weekly payments

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Hello, but how come when you delete files do not send email?

Added after 2 Days:

Hello, but can not i do the premium with skrill?
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Uploaders marked our Email notifications as SPAM and this affected our domain reputation so we stopped sending such emails but you still can see a list of removed files in your account.
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]You have too low tariff rates, please change in the first category instead $16 make 25 or 30
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Otherwise I see no reason to work with such low rates[/FONT]
Hi guys, great filehosting, but the very low ppd counts only 2 downloads from the same ip in 24 hours and you can not even renew the premium, then 3 tb and very reductive, they should give unlimited storage ...
Hi guys, great filehosting, but the very low ppd counts only 2 downloads from the same ip in 24 hours and you can not even renew the premium, then 3 tb and very reductive, they should give unlimited storage ...

Thank you for your feedback, it has been taken into consideration.
Just a hint: We usually try to offer a service level that we can maintain for a long time.

Added after 1:

Is it possible to remote upload from rapidgator or turbobit?
Unfortunately, these file hosts are not supported.
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