404 Not Found
The server can not find the requested page:stn039.rockfile.eu/tmp/status.html?879856488422=Billboard_Hot_100_Singles_Chart__03rd_October_2015_JN.rar=rockfile.eu/ (port 80)Please forward this error screen to stn039.rockfile.eu's WebMaster. :thumbdown:
File manager count all visits even without download started, but reports count only complete downloads.Dear Mr. Rock
I.m New Member & Uploder your Site. File Manager Total Download Counting 61 File Download. But Earn Report Download Counting Show 42. Pls fixt the Plb.
user ID : hero2015
Hi MRock, I don't know why, but all my files have been deleted with less than 24 hours after I uploaded it, this never happened before. Can you check it please?
Thanks in advance.
P.S - Older files I deleted myself, I'm talking about the new ones.
Username; jogue29
No it's not.Stats frozen?
This has been solved.And has something wrong with the folders. Cannot connect.
Where exactly you see this error message?I'm getting server connection timeouts. :cursing:
Where exactly you see this error message?I'm getting server connection timeouts. :cursing:
Where exactly you see this error message?I'm getting server connection timeouts. :cursing:
On the website it self or after initiating an upload?
Same issue for me since yesterday. Additionally, Rockfile was down (for everyone) several times.
As example, right now... 1:21 PM / GMT
Fix it...
The website is reachable.This webpage is not available...
11:41:10 PM
02 October 2015
Standard Time +0000 UTC
Fix it please