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me neither im trying to upload is too dificult to keep waiting.. upload is not working... it say file size is too big and the file is under 1 gb... i tryiet uploading file from 200 mb and nothing with remote upload can you fix it?

upload does not work, only the error does not appear the link

Remote Upload not working, I always got this message with files bigger than 100 MB:
"Filesize Too Big"

This has been fixed.

Error shit, I can not send anything.
What do you mean by can't send anything?

Added after 1:

my payment is not calculated at 15th march..
please check
User: dramroo

You didn't have sufficient funds.
Your cleared amount should be greater than your minimum payout amount, cleared amount means the amount of money remains after applying withdrawal fee because we don't send less than $10.
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Brazil in TABLE D?
Why so low for Brazil? In the other hosts Brazil is always C , review that table there, which is already unfair to the low values of C.
Wow, it is the fourth time that the values go down for us and now even fall to the C table? It's the end ..

Added after 3 minutes:

Brazil moved to D, Bye rockfile.
And above all we are the only, as had already spoken here, suffice start making $$$ and start to want more and more, lower values and now put the Brazil alone in D.
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Brazil in TABLE D?
Why so low for Brazil? In the other hosts Brazil is always C , review that table there, which is already unfair to the low values of C.
Wow, it is the fourth time that the values go down for us and now even fall to the C table? It's the end ..

Yes it is, as I am not married to them, I stop here. was good while it lasted, and good luck to the other until they move you too rsrsr
OMG! For this did not expect ... well if left in tier D alone because it is a momentary situation ..
the intention of returning to tier C, is this correct? :-?

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Sad... With these rates for Brazil, it is impossible to continue working with the rockfile.
there are other servers with better rates for us.
I really like you but I think it's time to stop.
I really hope that you revise that decision.
Anyway, thanks for always be honest while the time that I worked with you.
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We don't have enough information to tell you about this situation.
BR in Tier-D now and we tried so hard to keep it but we done paying for nothing, as the revenue is quite low against the expenses. It's not our choice.
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