| $25 / 1000 PPD - 70% PPS - Rewarding points - Bi-Weekly payments

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[TD]Pending Webmoney
Hi MrRock, I can't login in my account, looks like i had my account banned. Why?

Username: jogue29

Edit. I had to recovery my password, and it's ok now, can you say me what happened?
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Hi MrRock, I can't login in my account, looks like i had my account banned. Why?

Username: jogue29

Edit. I had to recovery my password, and it's ok now, can you say me what happened?

Did you see "Banned by administrator" message?
No one did anything from our end, maybe your account was compromised or you just forgot your password.
No, i saw "IP Banned" but i just changed my password and all back to normal.
Well, it's happening when you change your IP frequently or try to log in many times with wrong credentials from same IP.

Added after 42 minutes:

We've issued all pending payments without any late (during 10 biz days).
For more information, please visit "news" section.
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at the 15th please remember collect my balance to payment,thank you.

this time I won't change any info on that day.

Please create a ticket with your username to let us check your account if everything is fine according to the payment info and your minimum, etc..
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