RocketFile - Scam ?

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Until yesterday, that host was quite good for registered users or free users (not premium), but the rules have changed ;;;
Now, if you are a free user or a registered users, you are limited to files under 100MB (upload/download)
You can download files up to 100 Mb only

bye bye this host
I'm guessing you're involved with them behind the scenes ? It is what it is.

you just carry on ripping games companies off though, you're obviously a stand up guy LOL

Man do you have any type of mental problem? author of this thread wants to know if he pay or not.

I know what he asked...and I told him the situation. Poster after me said they went to shit too.

It's pretty much only you sticking up for them, which is why I suspect you might be involved.

Do you have comprehension issues ?
Of course I'm involved, I get paid every month, so you'll probably not use this filehost, so why are you telling lies? probably you are involved with no-pay-ever filehost.
Other people aren't getting paid but you are lol ............oh the irony

So tell to this others users reply here, sorry have no this "others users" right? you are a joke man, and for this reason I not lost my time with you anymore, but before tell anything, use your brain and think.
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