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So in a perfect world this would be a nice service for people who have little to no experience with running a movie/tv site or have no programming experience to develop their own solution. Sadly, we don't live in a perfect world so it has to be pointed out that anyone using this service is taking a risk.

Why? Because of this (taken from the account page):

<iframe src="" width="100%" height="500px" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" scrolling="no"></iframe>

This works because the request to will redirect to (for example) an openload link. But what happens if the site gets hacked? Or what if it's a honeypot? What if one day every request to results in a redirect to a malicious page?

IMO it would be much better if you'd just make it a normal API that returns JSON so that the data can be verified before using it like for example. For the people with little experience you could provide a simple Python/PHP script that consumes said JSON. For the people with absolutely no experience whatsoever, well, they should probably get some basic experience before shooting themselves in the foot.

On a semi-related note, why do you require people to sign up for an API key when none of the keys will be private. After all, you can do a quick Google and "steal" someone else's key since they'll all be embedded in the HTML or posted as a straight up link on a page (example)...
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just 12 requests and no more

@olspider, I want do a website of free movies but with your api I just can watch 12 movies.. why?
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Why isn't there any support for TV shows???
All I want is to upload tv shows, but this only seems to allow movies. Can you please add in tv shows. It would make this much better to use.
Check our Dooplay integration guide if you are running your website with Wordpress and Dooplay -

Also we changed to google recaptcha from coinhive captcha because we were accused of mining bitcoins although coinhive captcha was giving like 0.00001$ daily.

I been using this integration but not really happy with it at this point and hope you will give us more option.

The thing is, when the code already integrated the Videospider player link is the first load instead of the link that i manually insert.

Some movie Videospider could not found so why don't give us an option to decide which to play first? the Manual link or Videospider? Or an option that i can disable Videospider for this movie post because i have manually inserted and videospider not found any movie to show?

Thank you
That's the risk of embedding another site's iframe on yours. You better make your own simple API solution if you want to have a more secure function/feature.
I just discovered and it seems a great way to embed movies.

I have installed dooplay 2.3.1 and replaced the files as per dooplay integration.

I am not the greatest programmer, but know how to do requests as per https and embeds work for my ip as per ticket request.

However, I understand a visitor cannot see the movie if the IPs between the ticket and visitor differ.

How do you integrate the php code into dooplay?
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