Review 4 * now

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This site having nice looking and good traffic.
I get average 200 hit per post per day.
For me, the only thing had to be done was the section. (Re-arrange)
I suggest move Other Listing and Site Contributor Section to somewhere else.

Justice99:I fail to understand for which post you have 200 hits. I was checking the forums and i find that there are few hits in the tutorial area (1-5 Hits) and none in the movies section.

Frankly though the colors are really bright and unpleasant for the eyes. use some pleasing and light colors.The success of the warez depend on the quality of the post . You must have post which are not there in other other very popular warez. I normallty cram thought any warez before deciding to post in the warez.

good headder, uhmm

forum icons very plain. almost look like stock forum icons... uhmm favicon... do that better and thats all you can really do its a pretty plain skin
Site looks nice, I prefer the older skin but this looks neater, straight to the point. I wouldn't wanna go to some site which is too flashy. Forum icons wise, they look nice, try reducing the drop shadow. And @ ^, no they dont look like stock lol.
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