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My experiences with

I ordered two services from this provider:
- OpenVZ - VZ-512 - DE
- Windows VPS - WIN-1024 - Chicago

Product review VZ-512:
For a mere $8 the product is actually quite good. I've tried multiple templates (they have tons of them). I tried Ubuntu with VNC and it was pretty fast. Tried torrent downloads with Rutorrent and Deluge and got very good speeds on iptorrents and sceneaccess (Steady 20-40MBs).
UNRAR/RAR was not very fast though, but acceptable. Given this VZ-512 is not recommended to be used as a seedbox (confirmed by the provider). But is my personal conclusion. Perhaps you would be happy to use it as a seedbox.

I also set up a http website with the centOS 5 and Kloxo template. Easy sailing (I had previous experience with Kloxo), The speed of the test blog was fast (not a lot of content on it) and got good ratings on pingdom.

All of the templates I tried (about 5 or so) worked well expect for the ubuntu/deluge/rapidleech/VNC template where the VNC didn't work correctly and Tightvncserver was not installed by default.. This is course is not a fault of the provider.

I will continue to use this VPS for hosting my sites.

Rating: 7.5/10

Product Review WIN-1024:

Setup was instantly (as was with the VZ-512) and could work with it without further actions. Really fast boot time and fast screen redraws.

Torrent downloads were about 13-18MBs. Not the fastest but not the slowest (probably location issue). Upload speeds to US based hosts (hotfile / mediafire) were only a tad faster than from EU locations.

UNRAR/RAR was reasonable fast and acceptable.

As I was planning to use it for us based hosts and torrents (see above), it doesn't fit my bill and used the 30 day money back guarantee which was given within 5 seconds.

Rating: 7/10

Review of Support:
In one word, Chris and Robert provide excellent support and give you all the time you need. I've been online with Chris for a couple of days and he answers all your questions.

Although they claim 1 hour support answers, support (offline) was slower than that. But overall excellent support. And they honored their 30 days money back instantly.

Rating: 9/10.

All in all, excellent support and good performance of their products.
They are really nice :

Ratings : 8/10 from my side

i have tried there 2-3 VPS till now on Turkey, istanabul & germany frankfurd location

and service is awesome
minor downtimes but you get previous notice about it
customer support is excellent +1
I must say that is truly one of the best providers out there. What matters to me is reliability and professionalism. They excel in both.
Chris has been very helpful to me, and I hope that VPS6 becomes one of the elite providers of VPSs in the coming future.
Would their "fully managed support" provide you with additional help like cPanel setup, apache recompilation, DNS setup, cPanel configuration etc. ?
Thanks for the reviews, everyone. :)

Would their "fully managed support" provide you with additional help like cPanel setup, apache recompilation, DNS setup, cPanel configuration etc. ?

Yes, we would be happy to help with all of these.

Please let me know if I can answer any other questions!

Kind regards,
I have had a Win VPS with them (Chicago). RAR/UnRAR speed is not impressive, server load slow but I guess that could be due to Win 2008 taking up too much resource. I bought a linux box (Germany) and have been using it for a month. This one is smooth like silk (running rapidleech, deluge, vnc, mencoder, etc). I have nothing to complain about their support. Their L3 Lead has been one of the most helpful I have ever met.
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