Review My wifes First web Forum

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Forums Message Boards - Medical Marijuana, Cannabis Club, Dispensary, News

Now Open Must be 18 or older to join

but u can still look at it and tell us what u think

Video sections :

I've not seen the like forums before :D but i haven't ever smoke marijuana and etc. I just smoke cigarettes with tobacco. Does your hosting afford the like topics? :O
I think, it can be popular as drug consumption % rising. :D
"Medical Marijuana" what condition do i have to pretend i have to get weed for free ? lmao

Nice site not seen anything like it before
Need a favicon
Banner needs some more work

looks good so far keep it up
thanks guys yea this was her idea so me and dark hunter are making here forum dream come true shes really nerves about running her own forum but im sure she will do great...
Yeah sorry I'm gonna have to join too. I love weed so this is a great site for me. I give 9/10
I would of give 10 if you sold seeds and the equipment lol.
nice looking site,in BC,Canada where i am they have the same thing here medical pot,ya u have to pay for it.. and tbh its not that great lol.. Vancouver,BC has pretty much decriminalized weed.. there is even a couple cafes u can go and smoke weed in.. Vansterdam,yet i see no forums related to Canadian pot heads lol

good luck with the site
free shipping to the UK? xD

Its a nice skin that one, presumably going to be over-used in the very near future, so i would start customizing it if i were you.

All in all a nice clean place.

Also, favicon is still default.
i don't care if skin gets over used i mean look at her forum there are only a few
that talk about the same subjects.

could really uses some more gfx Team members for UnderGround Inc.

orders usually bring in about $1.50 to $2.00 each some free but its a lot of fun
if You think you have what it takes to be a GFX UnderGround Inc. staff member

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