review my site

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i searched most of the posts here made on the different thread and it seems none of them is providing what they offer 99.9% uptime.
im new here...... so just confused which hosting to buy.
everyone is just making his advertising but either they are lack in support or in uptime or something else.
i found it realy hard to get a fast relaible shared hosting untill you go for either vps or dedicated.
its cool i was in the same position you just need to look around really my site has been on around 9 hosts before i found one that is reliable

having a backup is good idea as well my site is backed up on another host just incase
The first thing I saw was the site top 5 stats. You should put that on the bottom. User legend has to much stuff. Would use a better skin also.

yea you need to clean it up alittle bit

the skin looks abit cheap

the stats should be at the bottom so if you dont want to look at it you dont have to

those moving and flashing things on the legend are hella annoying lol

but the site has got good content and just needs abit of cleaning up

5/10 clean it up a little and it would be much better
suggest a good host for me please im currently hosted with

if you are still looking for a good reliable host i can recommend they have very reliable shared hosting US and Offshore at a decent price i have been with them for 6 months and have not had any downtime that was there fault they have great customer support and i am very pleased with all they have done for me
Favicon is great! But the marquee isnt that good, I don't like it; because of the images! Argh why do you have <●> and |::. everywhere? You need custom icons too. Good start 7/10
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