Review my ddl

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The titles (apps, movies, music, games, porn) at the top of the logo are confusing as they look like buttons. Get rid or modify it to cause less confusion.
When you hover over the navbar links they go orange. Why orange? Why not green like the rest of the site?
The search area need work to make it look better. Look at litewarez as it's a lot more obvious and looks better. Start with removing the white background to the text box and a flood and spam control to the search.
Their's a problem with selecting the rate post (in Chrome anyway). The css needs work or something as you can't see the text.
I know you've just copied the katz rules and that's ok as you've provided a link to the source but it would be better if the link went direct to the rules on katzforums rather than just the index of katz.
Personally I like to see the site have a clean (no porn) version. eg clean.x-gate or at least don't have the index full of porn links as it can really throw some people off. Do something like what katz does.
The title of the linkback page is "Submit" and should be changed to Link to Us or something like that
Their's something wrong on the Submit page when you select the type you can't see what you've selected. A minor css issue that need's to be fixed similar to the rate site one.
On the backlist page change the word on the button from Submit to Check Site and maybe add a line above the input box saying "Check if your site is blacklisted."
The contact form need's to be coded better. I just clicked on send without entering any info and it sent a message. It should check to make sure all the fields are filled in.
Great link checker but you need to upload an image to for it to display a background. PM me with you logo psd if you want me to make you one.
Post a demo login for the webmaster area and it will give people a chance to review that part.

That's enough for now. Overall it's a good nice clean site. Best of luck with it and I hope it goes well.
Also, you stole my Javascript for the Add-row on the submit page and the search verification.

You're now officially unliked by me. :)

sorry for that, i was inspired by 4 sites: katz, lite,atomic and ddl0

and about the features, everytime somebody will come first with the idea and others just copy it: who was first? katz or you?

Thanks Mr Happy for review, background color for select added, i don't know why but background: url(); doesn't work in chrome for select and textarea.

Webmaster area demo account:
domain: domain.test
pass: Wt7NZH9x4xzWgsf

Also, i added a whitelist where sites whitelisted with 5 stars submit the downloads directly, no queue.
-Design is good
-SJshah pwned your search cloud
-Logo looks a bit blurry

I actually like it quite a bit its just that the text might be a tad too bright.
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