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Active Member
site :

Ok , it has been some time , and i want to see how ppl respond to my blog now .

Here are the few thing i am interested in . Rate those things from 1-10 or 1-5 as u wish :D
Logo is in beta , i will make better one , made it in a short time , but anyway rate it

Logo :
Header image :
Post visibility (1 for confusing , and 10 for clearly) :
Poster/cover size in posts (1 for small/big,10 for excelent) :
Text align in posts (general) :
Info and description in posts (1 for poor , 10 enough) :
ad under the catogory widget (1 remove it,10 just as it need to be) :
Favicon :
File Hosts (1 add more,remove some,10 for excelant choise ) :
Smile in the at teh bootom :) :
General :

^^^^(copy and answer)^^^^

also it would be great to add some text except numbers , but that only if you are in the good mood :D Also i will love to hear some suggestions ...


Not ONE review :/
And i alo made pattern , you just need to copy it view the site and write the score ! few minutes , and it will mean much to me !
Last edited:
Logo : 3 [Feel like same color with background.]
Header image : 5
Post visibility : 5
Poster/cover size in posts : 5
Text align in posts (general) : 5
Info and description in posts : 5
ad under the catogory widget : 5
Favicon : 4
File Hosts : 1 [Filejungle]

Scale 1-5
Logo : 2 // Not a good logo very poor PHOTOSHOP designing.
Header image : 1
Post visibility : 6
Poster/cover size in posts : 6
Text align in posts (general) : 3
Info and description in posts : 4
ad under the catogory widget : 5
Favicon : 5
File Hosts : Don't Know
Logo : 2.5 // Nothing extraordinary, yet catching - You could do better
Header image : 1 // Now, if it header image was different your logo would show better.
Overall Suggestion : Ditch the gray backround and also make it smaller. Something with some color and theme with be a good start.

Post visibility (1 for confusing , and 5 for clearly) : 2
Poster/cover size in posts (1 for small/big,5 for excelent) : 1 // Poorly resized images, to the point that sometimes it is not clear what the image shows.
Text align in posts (in general) : 3
Info and description in posts (1 for poor , 5 enough) : 2 // Fair
Overall Suggestion : Good titles, but under screenshot make sure to put the movie, game, show etc details, instead of the end of the post, and then add the description.
Also, it would be to find smaller images so that you won't have to resize them that much.

ad under the catogory widget (1 remove it, 5 just as it need to be) : 4
Favicon : 4
File Hosts (1 add more,remove some, 5 for excelant choise ) : 4
Smile in the at teh bootom :) : 5 // Nice touch!

General : In addition to my other comments, I would advise you to put the links on the second part of your posts, when people press the MORE button, instead of having them there on main page. Also, try not to put any screenshot on main posts.

Scale is from 1-5.

I hope I helped you.
Yes mate , you help me ALOT ! I am really thankfull for your honest opinio , cause it will only help me to make my blog better . It is important than i like my blog , but is is also evan more important that visitors like it ! As you are a potencial visitor , and maybe a webmaster with expirience , you opinio is important to me :)
I hthought about puting links after MORE button , as everyone do things like that .My opinio is that i like it this way more , also there are blogs that are doing it the same way i am . On the other hand , makeing post like that i making homepage big to load with full post and all the screens .

Thank you again for having time to help me ;)
Your Site In General :

i loved your style and designing..white with some gray is kinda cool :sun:
your site provides various kind of games/movies
games : PC/PS3/XBOX360
movies : BDRip/Cam/Dvd.....
Filehosts : well..ill give you 5/5 cause you give different links like wu/fsc/fs/rs
and that all what i have noticed..;)

hope i helped ! <3

i also think that need to be done mate :D
but it will take some time , and i hardly have time to make it . this is the first thing on my list to change , when i get some time . thank you for feedback mate ;)
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