review for my site please :)

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- Nice skin
- When I change the skin to "black teal" there is no option on that skin to change your skin back to the other ones.
- Needs some traffic and posts
- Needs a logo
- Needs a favicon
yeah now its working great =)

btw , you need a good logo also install some mods for vb like shoutbox/Users active in the past 24 hours/mood status etc.

and get new forum icons , bcos the forum looks dead
yeah now its working great =)

btw , you need a good logo also install some mods for vb like shoutbox/Users active in the past 24 hours/mood status etc.

and get new forum icons , bcos the forum looks dead

ok thanks bro!!
i m paying my employees for maintaing the site and some are my friends i will tell them!
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