Review Fileserve

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Active Member
I need some people to review my new warez blog, I am like 50% done with the site. =)

Please give comments, concerns, suggestions/ideas.

Thank you for your time. <3
- Very nice skin on the blog, I like it a lot because it's clean and the color scheme is nice
- Logo is bleh, looks low quality and could really be improved
- Don't see why you have a banner and link header to Katz, I'd remove the banner because the link header is probably more than enough
- Try to fill up the sidebar with widgets so the website doesn't look very empty
Header is waaay to big, even for me with 1280*1024 resolution, i would choose a different style.
Font used on the logo is overused, not very cool.
I would get rid of katz completely. The domain by its own is good when fileserve gets a little bigger.
wow thats great and blog is superb xD

just wanted to say,

2 navbars :| isn't great just remove the header one


and move the katz buttons to


if possible do a little more work xD

First off i like the overall look to the theme.
The colors go well & help the theme in so many ways.
You need to get yourself a Favicon
The logo looks out of place, try changing the font
You have 2 navigations? Make only one navigation, will make your theme alot cleaner.
If you are submitting to katz then you wil need to have there larger affilate in your website header for a month until you become 2*
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