Review: - Watch Movies Online - Home of EVO

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We have re-built our home and here it is:
We're on our way to add as many movies as we can. We need your input/feedback towards the website infrastructure.
We believe we have structured the website in pretty-nice manner, but need your feedback on how can it be improved more.
The best thing is that website is responsive and works well on mobile devices. You will Enjoy it :)
Please visit us, rate us and recommend us to motivate us to pull more movies into the scene. :)

Website is working properly now :)
We have fixed page loading.

Fixes done (2/10/2017):
-> Removed auto play and added controls in videos.
-> Reduced Image size to normal in posts.

Update (2/18/2017):

  • We have identified a better host and moving our videos there :)
  • For all existing videos, we are going to use primary video host.
  • For all upcoming videos, we are going to use both primary and secondary video host.
  • If any primary video host links are down, we will replace with secondary video host.

Fixes done
  • Video player error fixed.
  • Pagination fixed.
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I think I can't be clearer with the screenshot. There is nothing on the pages. And my ISP is not blocking videohost, believe me.

Tried it with VPNs. Same thing.

Not quite sure when you talk about the download links ... they are not there at all.

We want you to know that we do not have any copyrighted or illegal content hosted on, The information we host on this site does not have files that can be copyrighted.

And your text is a bunch of baloney.
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I think I can't be clearer with the screenshot. There is nothing on the pages. And my ISP is not blocking videohost, believe me.

Tried it with VPNs. Same thing.

Let me post screenshots to prove that its ISP issue.
I have tested myself from 3 different networks, 2 different devices(desktop/mobile), 3 different browsers(chrome/IE/firefox) all working fine, trust me.
I will post screenshots within few mins.
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Perhaps we should hear from other people. But I have already accessed 3,464 hosts with 158,876 movies. My ISP is not blocking anything.
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Perhaps we should hear from other people. But I have already accessed 3,464 hosts with 158,876 movies. My ISP is not blocking anything.

I can assure that hard luck with your ISP.

I have dealt with 5122 hosts with over 438,766 movies :)

(mobile device from network 1, different ISP)
(desktop device from network 2, different ISP)

Please tell us your country where you access from?
Discussion closed. At least from my side. If it works for you, great. Enjoy your own site.

I have just asked an outside person to test from his side.
You can leave the thread now as you just posted your feedback. I got your country from access list and hope it would be a good input for our analysis. Thanks!

Added after 1:

Discussion closed. At least from my side. If it works for you, great. Enjoy your own site.

I have just asked an outside person to test from his side.
You can leave the thread now as you just posted your feedback. I got your country from access list and hope it would be a good input for our analysis. Thanks!

Just confirmed your findings now :)
Thanks for pointing out and working on it now :)
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Did you just try to copy CPG's website ? :) I would say your one looks cleaner as there are no ads yet. However, your first player seems to shows no control and you have more tabs than it can handle -


Also, try to save HD images for the poster from TMDB but try to load them with Cloudflare or compress them during the saving process. If I notice anything more, I will post it here.

NB: I am using Chrome Web Browser (latest version) and my ISP or my VPN don't care what I am browsing.
Did you just try to copy CPG's website ? :) I would say your one looks cleaner as there are no ads yet. However, your first player seems to shows no control and you have more tabs than it can handle -


Also, try to save HD images for the poster from TMDB but try to load them with Cloudflare or compress them during the saving process. If I notice anything more, I will post it here.

NB: I am using Chrome Web Browser (latest version) and my ISP or my VPN don't care what I am browsing.

Thanks for your feedback :)
I'm one of the co-founders of and if you remember I was the one who posted a thread here asking for your reviews about
Both site uses same wordpress theme. So there isnt anything like "copying a site" here.
Evomovies have more advantages that you will experience once you start using it :)
There's a FAQ section where I explained how to get controls over the video, because its html video. You have to right click on top of video
and click on "show controls". we will see if we can configure html video so that you dont have to do it manually.
If you didnt see any videos on any particular tabs, its just that either ISP blocked it or video is not available at host.
Rest everything is assured :) cheers :)

good design and very fast load in my browser. all the best.

Thanks for your feedback :)
As I told the OP by email .. the featured images on the moviepage are way too large. A lot of scrolling have to be done to get to the content. Plus the cover looks distorted and compressed.
Find the size of the featured image in the theme and set it. Then use a image resizer to modify your existing images.


Not exactly pretty or professional.
As I told the OP by email .. the featured images on the moviepage are way too large. A lot of scrolling have to be done to get to the content. Plus the cover looks distorted and compressed.
Find the size of the featured image in the theme and set it. Then use a image resizer to modify your existing images.

Not exactly pretty or professional.

Thanks for your feedback :) We will see what we can do for it.
Someone mentioned there are many tabs than required -> If more tabs are present, then it means you have lots of options to watch the movie, its not a bug :)
We're open to any change if its adoptable and possible with current site theme.
Until then Enjoy the site!
At the moment, we're fixing autoplay and controls in video.
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