RedLOAD.NET - PPS 65% - PPD $40 / 1000 - Website & Referral - Weekly Payout

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ps2gameman you deserve a "Respected" rank, seriously! You write on each and every filehosts official thread those have ppd, even pps...I thought this is the era of noobs in this uploading world, but you're over qualified, best of luck man, working on wj's all hosts aint easy, keep it up :)
pls resolve

Added after 38 minutes: virus
Please add ours to exclusion list. I tried to contact Avast many times, but i didn't receive anything from them.
I think they dont have many times to do because they are defect people lol

no ppd in my account only see pps
Everything is OK. There are no errors were found.

ps2gameman you deserve a "Respected" rank, seriously! You write on each and every filehosts official thread those have ppd, even pps...I thought this is the era of noobs in this uploading world, but you're over qualified, best of luck man, working on wj's all hosts aint easy, keep it up :)
Ok, Thanks for your interesting.
In the furture, all of guest pay via reseller will count too.
My coder is doing it

Added after 6 Hours 51 minutes:

Redload Desktop Manager Updated!
Last edited:
Hi RedLoad, thx for Premium access :)
Now could you activate remote option ?
And could you make Paypal for Paiments requests ? :heiligenschein:
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