Reccomend a new filehost please, with reliable storage?

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thanks for all the replies everyone, im going to go through them and post back properly later,

btw some replies, havent taken in to account the files (*most*) will only be downloaded by a small number of people, as stated in first post,

the only reason i mentioned backup is the likes of delete files after inactivity, so it doesnt have to be an actual cloud backup host that is suggested (but i will look at it seen a few), just somewhere thats reliable you can have 5-6 terabytes storage and somewhere our members could sign up to.

because i will be looking at a moving files to two hosts, with filepost going down, and uploaded being unreliable and deleting files

i tried 1ficher as described previously, ive not had good results, uptobox seemed ok, but i think its xfs or was , so maybe there potential to be unreliable, im not sure?

are datafiles and nitrofile any good?

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Hi thanks i have tried to explain it as clear a possible, and i apologize i clearly have done that very badly, maybe i should have put it differently

the files will be downloaded, by members of our site, so techically, its not realy backup, but i want the files to remain active so i dont have to keep reupping old files, this isnt a large amount of data but will grow at the moment my filepost is at 1.2 tb over a few years,

this was never an issue with the likes of rapidshare/filepost/hotfile and many others

i think personal storage is a cost factor, plus theres no real recomendations to any really, and will the files be able to be downloaded by other users

I should have names this post "filehost that doesnt delete inactive files maybe? maybe id be better stating a new thread, as replies iv posted cant be edited in the main post

im not sure

the best w

suggest : uploadrocket

I appreciate the recommendation - But to be honest I am a file sharing site - Not a file storage site - Why don't you just buy some reliable backup for your file instead of using 'file sharing' sites for 'backup'?
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