real-debrid, fast-debrid most likely a scam ...

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Tried them and regretted it. Shittest speeds ever, and downloads often wouldn't start.

And sometimes I would get errors like "This filehost isn't available at the moment" or something like that...

This is from just a few days ago. Looks like their servers are pretty overloaded.
Remote Upload is an option.


This is not an advertisements post.
Furthermore if you would have any respect for your clients like every decent seller that does business on Wjunction you would not threat your clients with "legal actions" (at which I can only lol). A review is something perfectly legal and there's nothing you can do about it but solve the problem with the one who wrote it. Furthermore ou don't call clients stupid. This is all but pro.
Lol yea, their communication reminds me of RickyFS. I was downloading from fileserve recently through RD and i got speeds like 150 kB/s.
And ofcourse, they do ban messages and accounts on facebook. Just something else than 'You are great RD', and you are banned. And these threats of legal action - LOL. Also the recent monitor of filehosters which compares them to competition (in a good light ofcourse). Would i be one of those competitors, i would start legal action against RD myself for damaging my interests.

I guess alldebrid is better one of french leecher websites.

So, until this owner of this topic do not want to remove our private informations and the scam alert we will post his private details, there we are :
IP Adress: - IP Reverse:
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:9.2) Gecko/20120218 Firefox/9.2 PaleMoon/9.2

whether the scam claims are justfiable or not, you sure are a classy person. legal threats and and posting "private informations" about a stupid forum topic... you ure seem desperate :facepalm:

i'm not taking sides in the whole scam thing. as i've posted a while ago i didnt have any problems after i paid. but now i'll have to think twice if i'll keep paying you. you make your "company" look worse than the post you want edited so badly ever did.
No Problems

On a Mac. Jdownloader glitchy plugin. Some links need to be pasted onto link generator on the website. Buy, I am impressed. Best bang for your buck with the multi hosters.
Hosters are diving like Chelsea FC. You may need to consider these type of sites for the short term.
I use real debrid myself. Personally i've not had any problem. I use IDM to download from it, and the majority of the time everything is fine. Sometimes i get the "error" problem, i guess because i used up all the rapidshare traffic n stuff like that. I think its fine tbh. I mean it does exactly what it says on the tin.

In regards to the threat of legal action, opinions are not illegal, especially when justified with an account of how they came to that conclusion. It could also be said that real-debrid are breaking laws, since they have violated the terms of agreement for each file host they have support for.

However: we all know what we are doing, this is an understanding of a "gray area", and had I gone through the same problems as the original poster of this thread, I would have come to the same conclusion, as would many others.

I have also tried to contact real-debrid in the past and not recieved a reply. I would therefore take this thread with a pinch of salt, and serve to encourage you to provide better customer support. The best form of advertisement is, as we all know, a happy customer.
It could also be said that real-debrid are breaking laws, since they have violated the terms of agreement for each file host they have support for.

i was gonna say the same thing when i was laughing over the "legal action" shit.

and the guys just butthurt cuz if you do a search for "real-debird + scam" WJ turns up to be the first place.

you would have been better off PMing a mod or admin asking for the thread to be removed. but now you just made yourself look like a total ass
kindly create offical thread plz
there are lot of user want to buy premium account.
I email u on site few weeks ago but i still cant get reply
Create offical thread this is good for u & users
Real-Debrid is very good. Only problem with them is that I must use reseller to buy premium as rentabiliweb won't let me use my paypal because of country where I'm from. And another problem... when I email support, I never get answer. But otherwise, it's awesome.

Fast-Debrid on the other hand... is... UGH. I bought premium because of their support of Hellshare. Then suddenly, I got to know that Hellshare blocked almost all countries. So I was like "okay, I have paid over 4 euro for it so I'll ask for refund". Because it was after 24 hours and I haven't downloaded anything, I asked for partial refund - 3 euro. They did refund me. But with nice note "fu". So Fast-debrid no more.

Simply Debrid - Great support. Too bad they are supporting small amount of file hosts. But really +1

Multishare - so far they are best. They have all hosts I'm using. Price is good. You are paying for GB and not for days. Which is perfect for me as I'm downloading stuff occasionally.
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I wonder if he will still reply back after all his childish statements. He posted "private data" and e-mail address and the whois of an IP. Very sensitive data lol. I'm sure I will find that dude among the millions of other people.

I think from this we can conclude, without speaking about the quality of the service, that real-debrid is ran by a 16-years old kid with some money.
I'm glad I read this thread. I was thinking about joining real-debrid, especially because they offer a lifetime account option. I was hesitant because their forum is always down. Considering their bad support, banning people from FB and the threat to one of the posters in this thread for telling about his experience, I definitely won't be giving them any money.

I really wanted to sign up with them. But not with the crappy attitude and service I have been reading about.

Thanks everyone...
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