Active Member
can you please check Ticket #987823, I am waiting for the reply from last 2 days.
Update: Issue resolved, Thanks
Update: Issue resolved, Thanks
Last edited:
Bro can i upgrade my exisrtring NL plan to more HDD plan. I dont want remove all files and then make RPD. I hope you can make it such. I PM you with details.. ok thanks for the beautiful speeds .
Please setup my order and send detail,Invoice #45
problem solved
All servers are up and running Bro.Please open a support ticket if you are having problems as our support staff would be help you quickly and support related posts are not entertained here much by the mods as well.:cough:Server down again fr almost 5 hours nw
my server working fine. is your server in range server1x.rdpmatrix.com? . i think you if open ticket it be solved by them.
All Tickets have been replied
Sending you in 5 Minutes..
Sure mate.Live Chat will start from this weekend..![]()