Other RDPlanet.com - Remote Desktops ($15/mo) & Encoding Solutions ($25/mo) (US/NL)

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I told a server administrator to install utorrent bann .. but could not? that support is this? only speak when you are interested!

I regret every day to buy a slot here in rdplanet ...

You put limits on the upload / download .... Everything is slow and gives errors on the rise.

In all host I can not climb, so I can not earn money to rent another rdp ... I am not satisfied with the service and less support, I never responded, I've been waiting 1 week to install Utorrent.

I'm losing money on my work ....

I regret every day to buy a slot here in rdplanet ...

You put limits on the upload / download .... Everything is slow and gives errors on the rise.

In all host I can not climb, so I can not earn money to rent another rdp ... I am not satisfied with the service and less support, I never responded, I've been waiting 1 week to install Utorrent.

I'm losing money on my work ....

Nothing is limited, the limits cant be imposed in the first place ! You should complain to the filehost instead of bringing it to me :\ I dont and cant control the filehosts can I ?

@swifcom - Ya I have contacted my webhost provider, everything is up, dont know whats causing the error. I am waiting for their reply.

@others - Demo details will be pmmed to you, as soon the site configuration is fixed.
I spoke to a user with admin privileges telling me not to come 1GB parts: S

I'm tired of waiting for install utorrent in my slot ...
a slot Sam10 NL admin has alerted me that there are limits up / down.

If there are administrative, because I installed utorrent? only business is to upload your files?

No I like this company, I installed utorrent on more than 1 week, threaten to bann me because there are limits (which are not in the post)
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