Raps by Omnion

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Shut the fuck up you necrophiliac
for i diss you and you just get laughed at
in order to get pussy you have to fuck the whore
in the alley behind the liquor store
yeah ill bet you have to pay them extra
just so they will sex ya
cause youre that god damn ugly
they like oh god this nigga fugly
yea ill bet your bi too and you like it up the butt
now shut the fuck up you stupid ass man slut
why dont you go to the jail
where you get your dick sucked and get it up the ass as well
hah ill bet youd love that
as for getting my ass capped
itll never happen you piece of crap
cause if you even try
thatll be the day you die
there is only emnity between you and i
if your like tnt im like c4
ill make sure you are no more
when i drop a bomb its like i launched a nuke
and here is my rebuke
so why dont you get off the meth
for battling me leads to ya death

yea my name is omnion
imma drop the bomb
have you all running for your mom
imma make you scream
you wish it was all a dream

yea im crazy and im mad
your end it will be so sad
because im evil and im bad
to the bone
ill knock you off your throne
just because i dont like your tone
yea ill throw the first stone
you cant beat me and my microphone
because ill beat you blue and black
beat back to back
then ill go over there and cut off your suck
then ill make you eat your own balls
because im off the wall

i aint toyin wit ya
you motherfucking fat bitch ya
you fucking fat piece of shit ya
shut the motherfucking fuck up before i hit ya
when i slit ya
down the back
beat ya blue to black
beat ya back to back
beat ya defeat ya tie you up and put you on the rack
kill you cut you up and put you in a sack
im too hot for you to handle
i detotonate like a roman candle
another trophy on my mantle
if youre like tnt im like c4
ill blow down your door
beat you down till you are no more
you motherfucking man whore
im a rap warrior
im rap soldja
i told ya
you may be older
but im bold
and so much colder

shut the fuck up you tranny
always wanting to get fucked in the fanny
go find another dude for your fantasies
for i have to cut you up with these
rhymes this time
i know you want me but im not a fag
why dont you shut the fuck up and go dress in drag
to try to get some other guy
to fuck you on the sly
theres only animosity between you and i
why dont you go autofellatiate
or go fuck a primate
i know you like bestiality
thats the reality
ill bet you your a donkey porker
lisenin to you rhyme is like torture
go shut the fuck up you pest
ill bet you are a product of incest
either that or an illigitmate child
cause your daddy got buckwild
and decided to fuck a whore
in the alley by the liquor store
ill bet your a hermaphrodite
yea you heard me right
i know a place you can go
where you can be a man ho
i think you will love it
when the ppl there shove it
in your ass
till you pass
out in your cell
itll be like hell
so why dont you go drink piss
you piece of shit

i think you better shut the fuck up
cause ill go over there and fuck you up
and ill slit your throat and then ill lobotomize you
then ill slice dice and fucking pulverize you
cause ill cut you up and slit you down the back
then ill throw your mutherfucking body on the rack
then ill stretch you till all your bones break
then ill throw your motherfucking corpse in the lake
come on stop beggin and cryin for christs sake
after all its only your soul im bout to to take
come on go to sleep you know youll never wake
yea its your own bed that you did surely make
now i got that bloodthirst that i got to slake
yea its that thirst i rly got to sate
yea motherfucker this is how i express my hate
i hope you all know that this shit was surely fate
now 1 am about to go buckwild
i will kill every man woman and child
im about to show you my infernal fire
then ill show you my greatest desire
which is to see you dead on the fucking floor
then it will to be late for you to say i want no more
ill leave you in a pool of blood guts and gore
you dont want to fuck with me cause im hardcore
yea ill cut you up with my two sharp swords
then ill go over there and strangle you with cords
dont make me come over there and annhilate you
ill do it mother fucker just because i hate you
ill destroy your soul then ill recreate you
slice you up again as i decimate you
laughing all the while while i lacerate you
ill pull out a chain ill fucking flagellate you
then once again ill go and resurrect you
get out my scalpel then ill surgically dissect you
ill rend and maim and tear you limb from limb
then after im done ill go kill all of them
after im done killing you ill bathe in your blood
ill stomp your motherfucking ass right into the mud
yea motherfucker i just love to kill
i do it just for the thrill
i do it just to see blood spill
i do it cause i love to cause pain
i be come over joyed when i stab you in the brain
and get even happier when i do it once again
you dont want fuck with a dude possessed by a demon
ill cut you up and leave you all there screamin
ill bring you to my dungeon and torture you til you die
ill hook up you to a electric chair and ill watch you fry
ill slice you down the middle and ill cleave you in half
theres no way in heaven or hell that youll survive that
ill cut you many times and leave salt in your wounds
ill hurt you so bad youll wish youd never left mammas womb
ill grab a stick and gouge out you eyes
then ill grab a knife and ill get you circumsized
then ill grab a bat and theyll watch you get pulverized
youll be coughing up blood when my blades pierce
your flesh and be screamin and crying blood tears
say one more word and ill get out my whip
and ill use its leather tip to fucking rip
right into your oh so tender flesh
this final beating will surly lead to your death
then ill use my whip take your flesh off as i flay you
oh what such fun it is to torture you and slay you
ill get out a sledge hammer and start bashin you upside your head
ill keep smashing you up until your dead
then like the grim reaper ill get out a scythe
now theres no place where can you run and hide
even if all of you split up and divide
theres now doubt about it today you all will die
im letting out my demons im turning them all loose
ill kill you and ill hang you from a tree with a noose
if you try to sneak up on me ill stab with my shiv
i dont think you get it yet but todays the last day you live
oh yea ill release some berserker rage
this is what you gte for rattling this rabid dogs cage
and ill even hide your bodies they will never be found
after i kill you all ill raze your houses to the ground
so leave me alone or ill kill all you ppl
dont fuck with me because i am evil

im about to knock you out
watch you lay there watch you shout
im about to whoop your ass
lay you out on the grass
im dont care if i piss you off
watch you choke and watch you cough
then ill diss you youll just choke
all your friends will laugh and joke
they like dawg you just got smoked
they all just watched you fail
your train of thought just got derailed
you dont wanna fight the storm
you got no style got no form
ill spit you out cause your lukewarm
you need to be hot or cold
do what the fuck you are told
stop actin like your two years old
you just got dissed by a white boy
watch me mash and destroy
im about to drop the bomb
you be running to your mom
then i will watch you scream
youll wish it was all a dream
im a dream team all by myself
i dont need any help
to kill you a war of words
i get first second and third
place get bronze silver and gold
once again i say do what your told
yes white boy beat you once again
you should just quit my friend
cause it looks like its the end
of your rhyming rappin days
why dont you get on your way
and get out of here just leave
cause you sound just like beav-is
and his best friend butthead
fight and you will just end up dead
im a knight fear my blade
im about to fucking slake
my raving thirst for your blood
bout to stab you in your gut
then ill kick your fucking butt
im the grim reaper fear my scythe
you can run but you cant hide
hope you know your bout to die
its your soul im about to take
go to sleep youll never wake
i just killed you go to sleep
bout to bury you six foot deep
you need to know that you cant rap
your rhymes they just sound like crap
and they smell like it too
just face it the fact that you are through
your last rhyme it rly stank
man that shit was rly rank
once again i say your through
cause this white boy just killed you

Come now you are starting to piss me off
im about to knock you off your lofty
high horse and stomp you into the ground
oh yeah itll be the talk of the town
i can see it now nerdy white boy beats rapper in a war of words
learn how to talk boy your voices is slurred
you think im scared of you well im not scared
if you want to face me you better be prepared
im a master of lyrical war im a like one man army
nothing you could ever say could ever even harm me
if you think you can beat me you better get off them drugs
then wipe them smirks right off your phony mugs
ill be the only one smirking when i drop the bombs
youll all be running and screaming for your moms
theres no way you can beat me youill never take my throne
when it comes to rappin yeah im bad to bone
you cant mess with me why cause im the rappin king
yes a commander a true warrior king
it is i the king that delivers the sting
of 1000 lyrical arrows oh no here they come
1000000 lyrical soldiers marching to the drum
now those lyricals arrows look theyre piercing your heart
oh now you rly wish that you did not start
this stupid fight just because you are a tard
now your lying dead on my castle floor
now you are so dead now you are no more
now i think im done and ill leave you to wallow in defeat
next time think before you challenge somone you cannot beat

why dont you shut up
for you get cut up
by my rapier wit
why dont you just sit
right on down
you little ass clown
ill take you out down town
turn that smile to a frown
then ill take your crown
then ill be the king
of rap cause i dont sing
you may have the bling
but you know not a thing
you do not have a brain
now let me explain
im about to raise some kain
then ill bring the pain
im about to whoop your ass
lay you out on the grass
when im done youll be outta here so fast
this lyrical war has just begun
it wont be over till ive won
this war of words is just gettin started
it wont be over till you stop actin retarded
looks like your ego will never be the same
looks like white boy beat you at your own game
looks like ive shown yet another stupid sap
once again ive proved white boys can rap

Come on you know your rhymes are whack
you rly need to get off that crack
then you need to get off that dope
so you can learn to cope
with the fact that your rhymes they just stink
they look like something i washed down the sink
you also need to get off of the acid
you rly seem to act like as if
if i should care what you think but i dont
you rly think youll win but you wont
you rly need to get off of them drugs
then wipe the surprised faces off of your mugs
looks like i showed you, you stupid sap
ive just proved white boys CAN rap

You better never mention my mother ever again
cause ill get her blind cane and beat you upside your head
ill beat you and ill beat you and beat you till your red
and ill keep on beating you even after your dead
and ill keep on beating you right into the ground
the last thing youll ever hear is the maniacal sound
of me laughin even as im standing there watching you bleed
so i rly suggest that you rly need
to fucking shut your mouth
for it all goes south
cause if you dont ill beat you till you drop
ill beat you so much the beating will never stop
cause ill fucking bash you right upside your brain
then i will rain upon your brain many blows of pain
then after your dead i will raise some kane
if you wanna fight me after these words that ive said
you dont wanna do it youll just end up dead
even if i lose a fight i know that ill still win
why because i got tools thatll help me in the end
cause after you beat me up i just call all of of my friends
then well come to your house and beat you on the street
and after you lie there bloody youll have to admit defeat
and if that doesnt work ill go right to my house
get on on my computer and click my little mouse
i use my programs to send you a little shock
not enough to kill you just enough to make you drop
then after im done ill send some emp
then your family will fucking have to call the EMT
becase when i send the emp i know things will explode
and it will send a million billion electronic volts
rushing right through your skin
then it will be the end
and if that dont kill you then i know what will
all the shraphnel from the things exploding thatll surely kill
you and leave you dead on your fucking floor
and it will be way too late for you to say i want no more
so i rly suggest that you apoligize
for i go over there and gouge out your eyes
then ill grab a knife and ill get you circumcized
then ill grab a bat and theyll watch you get pulverized
Then i will surely send you some anthrax
go to the storage shed and get out my axe
and take a few bigs swings right at your family tree
then you will be so very sorry that you messed with me
so i suggest that you rly should shut up
cause you have almost surely truly filled my cup
of my deady demonic wrath right to its brim
and if it overflows it will surely be your end
dont talk about my mom because she is a saint
if you make me mad ill cut you up and paint
all over the walls with your fucking blood
then ill leave your body to rot in the mud
so i suggest that you get on your way
or you just might not live to regret the day
that you decided to be stupid and insult my mom
so you better apoligize for i mail you a bomb

My name is Amon Wroth
These are my friends greed and sloth
I embody rage
And you’re rattling my cage
You’ve aroused my Wrath
Now its time for my bloodbath
Now you hear me roar
And see me covered in gore
Now you start to cower
In fear of rage’s power
Now it starts to devour
And now I am empowered
Now you’re filled with dread
And your blood flows bright red
And soon you will be dead

I’m bad to the Bone
Sittin on my throne
Im better than mike jones
Cause I know all that is known
I’ve got the seeds I have sown
I don’t like your tone
Throw the first stone
You can’t beat me and my microphone

You can’t beat me cause of my mind
The ties the bind
Now you put your nose to the grind
Stone now you surely find
That you are confined
And truly blind
Now let me remind
You I got mad skills
And I got the will
You may be good but still
Your not fit to attack
The pack
It’s a thing you lack
It’s called a brain
Let me explain
Though it be in vain
You will strain
But don’t complain
You’re in my domain
I’ve won my campaign
You can’t contain
Me with the mundane
You’re on my terrain
Let me make it plain
I am your bane
You will be slain
You can’t break the chain
Your strength is drained
You wallow in pain
Start to go insane
Because you’re detained
You struggle in vain
I’m about to obtain
What i came here to gain
Then ill make it rain
And here you will remain
I got the arcane
And the profane
No more façade
I will become a god
Of life and death
With my every breath
I decide who lives who dies
Who laughs who cries
With my many eyes
I see through lies
And those who try
Will cry and die
And those who are wise
Will rise
rule the land and the skies
And be held by the ties
That bind and arise
After I get the prize
In my disguise
I rule the lows the highs
I’ve got my spies
No-one can surprise
They can’t devise
A way to rise
And cause my demise
Cause im the best
Cause you’re just a pest
And im not impressed
Nor am I distressed
This is your final test
This is the end of your quest
And I suggest
At my behest
You flee or
I’ll guarantee
You cry
You die
And say good bye
And I foresee
Its meant to be
This I see
I know with glee
that im free
I go onna spree
see the debris
Why try
To defy
To deny
My destiny
Don’t you see
It was meant to be
You stupid swine
Your throne is mine
You had no spine
To thwart my design
Cause im divine
My star will shine
Yours will decline
I fly
through the sky
low and high
and naught can escape my eye
and though they try
none can lie
in the face of my
all seeing eye
you had your shot
it went to pot
and now let it rot
you were caught
your men were shot
though you sought
to end my plot
and soon we fought
but naught
could be done
now I’ve won
when it was time to choose
you chose to lose
you cant win
just give in

on the COMPLETE opposite end of the spectrum i will sometimes write stuff for friends and family

Let me be your armor
let me be your shield
let me take away the pain that you feel
let me be your armor
ill give you my life
let me take away the pain and the strife
if you need me ill be at your side
ill wipe away the tears that you have cried
let me be your light
guide you through darkest night
Let me take the blows
That were meant for you
Let me help you through the trials
that You're going through
if you need me ill be there so fast
ill be there for you till i breathe my last
ill die for you
without a second thought
when i see you in pain
i am distraught
that is why i try so hard
to protect you from the pain and the scars
but i know i have to let you live out your life
have to let your star shine mighty and bright
but i want you to let me be your crutch
to lean on me when it becomes too much
for you to handle on your own
i hope you know
youll never be alone
because if you need me ill be right there
i make an oath this i swear
that from now to my dying day
i will be with you all the way
i will save you
from those who mean to harm ya
because I am your armor

this is what it means to be a true friend
you stand there by em to the end
you always there right at their side
you wipe away the tears they cry
when they down you bring them up
make them feel like life dont suck
when they frown you make them smile
being a true friend its all worthwhile
you listen when they their heart out to you
you by their side yeah through and through
you always act together yeah as a team
you help to raise their self esteem
you always give them the space to breathe
but you are there if they need
some help to get back on their feet
when the stumble or when they fall
you help em to get through it all
when their heart is broken you try to mend
it and listen and you lend
your ear to them so they can tell you how they feel
and you help em through it so their soul can heal
you are always there if they need your help
if the cant hold the weight of their troubles all by theyreself
when you see them in pain it breaks your heart
and all you wanna do is heal the scars
left on their soul by life so hard
when theyre happy it puts a smile on your face
thats a feeling nothing can replace
let me just remove all doubt
thats what being a true friend is all about
Meh, to be honest there's no point reading lyrics. Unless you have a recorded version where you can listen to flow I can rate you.
Ehh im not feeling it. All I heard was pretty much you saying "shut the fuck up" "I'll kill ya beat you up" beat you down blah blah blah is that all everyone raps about these days?
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