RapidVideo - 1080p HD | Multiquality | Fast encodings | Fast Speed

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Why the rated views are so poor? I have more than 40 views in the video, and it has 1 rated view? How you count the rated views? People do watch it and X the ads. Nothing counts.
1. It may be that your vistors already watched other RV videos on other sites before.
2. We don't pay for VPN/Proxy views
3. We also don't pay for the views that was very short.

Some uploaders are celebrating RapidVideo due to the fact that our new PPV is good enough, so we know that there is nothing wrong with it.
1. It may be that your vistors already watched other RV videos on other sites before.

Some uploaders are celebrating RapidVideo due to the fact that our new PPV is good enough, so we know that there is nothing wrong with it.

I speak for myself but yes, I am satisfied with the new program right now. Thank you Rapid.
The only thing you could do was do the SSA subtitles. :fingers_crossed::innocent:
It's not like i will change it, when it comes to money, i just asked about the rated views.
At least you can really allow .ass format too subtitles + video with soft subs to be recognized from the player, so we won't need everytime to add custom. Talking about myself, i have 200+ anime projects, that means like 1000+ episodes, with Bulgarian soft subs. If i decide to start uploading them here, it will took me forever to add the subs too.
I've used only Openload,. Not sure about other hosts, openload is missing this too, which gave me headache. Maybe it's something you need to write.
There are over 500 premium users who wants the same pirority thing.

We could make an super-pirority class which it cost over $100 per month.
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