RapidVideo - 1080p HD | Multiquality | Fast encodings | Fast Speed

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ola, tudo bem ? venho informar que, os videos que fiz upload 21/01/2019, não foram convertidos até hoje

Hello, how are you ? I came to inform you that the videos I uploaded 01/21/2019, have not been converted until today
encoding, encoding, encoding, encoding, encoding, encoding, encoding, encoding.... This is trash

We have no free capacity at this moment. We are waiting for new servers from our other provider since 1 month.

So now the upload is going into maintenance as we are now updating something to fix the issues.
We have no free capacity at this moment. We are waiting for new servers from our other provider since 1 month.

So now the upload is going into maintenance as we are now updating something to fix the issues.
You encode a file multiple times for different users whereas other filehosts check the uploaded file hash if it is a match to a file already encoded they give you a link to the encoded version. Therefore, they save resources and space. I Hope that you do the same thing
95% of users have individual mp4 hashes and calculating hashes is harmful to our ressources, you have no idea how much files we get in every seconds.
95% of users have individual mp4 hashes and calculating hashes is harmful to our ressources, you have no idea how much files we get in every seconds.
But Openload, yetishare and xfilesharing do similar thing and they seem to be doing ok.

When will you add paypal as payment method in the upgrades section.
But Openload, yetishare and xfilesharing do similar thing and they seem to be doing ok.

The problem is that, when the encoding hardware gets broken, then the encodings on the same md5 hash will get broken also on that server, and the user have no way to report it at the moment.

yetishare/xfilesharing is for small users, while our project is almost enterprise-size.

I am unable to buy using my credit card although it works fine in other websites
There is bitcoin option as well also. We are still afriad of adding PayPal.

I am still working on the new upload system... The encoding&upload systems will be seperated for normal and premium users.
When you add new servers?


Here's the Twit from the RapidVideo.
We are working on switching to new upload system, the upload will be completely down for next hours. ETA 2 hours.

Great news. Hope so that upload will be clean, without errors. Also, as RapidVideo says, Premium Users would get separated upload system, which are also great news.

No doubts that RV is doing their best to make service even more better.

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