RapidVideo - 1080p HD | Multiquality | Fast encodings | Fast Speed

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Reduce reward to add more encoding server, but i dont see any improvement, “High Quality (720p) - (Encoding not started yet),
High Definition” for whole week.
Some videos can't be played if it doesn't have qualities and some other can, sometimes takes more than 1 day to get a quality so the video can't be played during that time. Could you look into it?
^ ^ You have to wait until the conversion is finished before you publish the videos. Compatible MP4 files can be played directly though. I think it depends on the length of the conversion queue how long it actually takes until the files are playable. I made a suggestion to add a "queue number / est. time" to the pending files a long time ago but so far nothing has happended.
Is it possible to disable encoding of videos in the account? I have some 720p videos which should be html5 player compatible and I would prefer them played as is.
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